Truett Wilson Middle School
Use a Planner Keep organized Turn in assignments on time Attend tutorials when needed Form bonds with teachers and staff Ask questions for help when necessary Maintain a well-rounded schedule which includes extra- curricular activities Success in middle school involves much more than just good grades!
8 periods 70/70 split for Math and LA 1 science, 1 social studies P.E. (all 6 th graders take P.E.) 1 period of a fine art (band, choir, or orchestra) 1 elective which could include a second fine art, wheel, intro to art, or intro to theater arts *** Each class is 45 minutes *** ~ 4 minutes for passing period~
Factors to consider when choosing classes: Your child’s academic strengths Teacher input Past STAAR performance Personal goals
Math – Pre AP or Standard Language Arts – G/T (for identified GT students), Pre AP, or Standard Science – Pre AP or Standard Social Studies – Pre AP or Standard
Pre AP moves at an accelerated pace and involves more in-depth classwork – including outside research projects, readings and homework Pre AP may have additional requirements during the summer and/or holidays (i.e. summer reading list) Pre AP prepares students for the AP track in high school
Only you and your child can determine this! What are your child’s strengths? The amount of extracurricular activities should be considered. How important are these classes to your child? Understand that transitioning to middle school can be overwhelming and stressful to some students.
Graduation Requirements: --4 years of each core subject (4 x 4) --more core classes translates to fewer electives, so more thorough planning is important
Sequence of English Courses Language ArtsEnglish IEnglish IIEnglish IIIEnglish IV PreAP Language Arts PreAP English I PreAP English II AP-English III Courses Offered at Level English I (9) English II (10) English III (11) English IV (12) PreAP English I (9) PreAP English II (10) AP English III (11) AP English IV (12) 8 th Grade9 th Grade10 th Grade11 th Grade 12 th Grade AP-English IV Gray boxes indicate required courses for graduation Courses must be taken one at a time, in order Students are not bound to stay on one track or another (ex. students can move into PreAP with teacher and parent approval.
Sequence of Courses Sequence of Social Studies courses
Sequence of Science Courses PreAP Biology PreAP Chemistry PreAP Physics Biology 4 th year TBD Physics Chemistry One Credit must come from each area of science listed: Biology, AP Biology, Chemistry, AP Chemistry, or IB Chemistry Physics, AP Physics, or IB Physics And a fourth science credit from a higher level science course approved by the state. AP Biology AP Chemistry AP Physics N IPC N Chemistry N 4 th year TBD Science Course Sequences for High School
ELECTIVE OF CHOICE - Exploratory Wheel -Learning How to Study, Being Future Ready- College/Career/Life, Technology, Keyboarding, Music, Art, Theater, Leadership, Nutrition/Health & Fitness - Intro to Art - Intro to Theater - Band, Orchestra, or Choir
Band Orchestra Choir
Book Clubs Student Council FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) Art Club Thespian Club
We need your help. We want to make the 5 th Grade Tours and 5 th Grade Round-Up the best experience for future 5 th Graders. Please take a moment and fill out the survey and include any additional comments you would like to make. You may also us at Your feedback will also help us when planning our 6 th Grade Orientation this fall.
A ttitude is what WE make it C haracter above reproach E ffort in everything WE do