5TH COMENIUS MEETING March 2010 Pèrigueux, France
Easter celebrates Christ´S resurrection, therefore it’s also a celebration of life itself.
This time of year Portuguese people clean, decorate, prepare and in some regions whitewash their houses to receive the priest visit (Compasso) who will bless the house and those who live there. Usually there is a glass of Port Wine to serve to the Priest and those who come with him, as a sign of hospitality.
In Portugal, Easter it’s also a special celebration for Godfathers and Godmothers. They receive a visit of their Godsons who bring them a small olive branch, celebrating the day Jesus arrived in Jerusalem. Godfathers and Godmathers then give their Godsons a traditional cake which is called “folar” and sugar covered almonds representing small easter eggs.
Besides chocolate eggs (symbolizing life) and sugar covered almonds (representing small eggs), portuguese people usually eat “pão-de-ló” and “folar”, traditional Easter cakes.
It’s also common to celebrate the Holly week (The week before Easter Sunday), with candle processions by night, or small plays reconstituting Jesus last days before crucifiction. One of the most famous processions takes place in Braga (an important city in the north of Portugal) in which hooded men (called “Farricocos”) parade along the city streets.
On Easter Sunday, families celebrate Christ’s resurrection with a special lunch in which is usually served lamb or goat, and all the special sweets mentioned (Chocolate eggs, almonds, pão-de-ló and folar)