Overview of the project and results achieved so far February 26 th 2015
The focus Active Demand Energy efficiency Demand Response
The case studies Enel Info + Italy Direct feedback from smart meters on user interfaces About 6000 households and SMEs ADDRESS Spain Demand Response with automation About 300 households Edema Germany Dynamic pricing with and without automation About 700 households C&I Entelios Germany Vaasaett DB Worldwide households ADDRESS France Demand Response with automation About 30 households
DEAL WITH PRIVACY DATA COLLECTION STANDARDIZATION The aim (or the challenge?) Metering intervals Surveys waves Unit of measures and scales Type of consumers Information tracking Duration DATA ANALYSIS Data ownership To assess and compare the case studies to understand how scaling up from pilots to real implementation
To assess and tune an AD program D1.1 – Report describing the conceptual model and the target matrix D1.2 – Report on the validated KPIs The target matrix to know what and how should be measured Determinants behind behaviour changeValidated and operationalised KPIs both at pilot and household level
The surveys Interviews to people in the pilots + C&I Entelios customers Survey over 8000 EU citizens D3.1 – Booklet with discussion guides D4.1 – Questionnaire for the quantitative survey
Recruit and engage What motivations behind joining AD programs?What are customers fears, what their “likes”?How to engage with programs in the long term?What about readiness to AD and what the most promising targets? D3.2 – Report with conclusions from the qualitative surveys D4.2 – Report describing AD perception in EU
Knowledge base D2.1 – Consolidated ADVANCED knowledge base PILOTS VAASA ETT DB SURVEYS
From pilot to real world D5.1 – The AD Conceptual Model
Actions and communication D5.2, D5.3 – Actionable framework for residential and C&I customers D5.3, D5.4 – Communication umbrellas for residential and C&I customers The right message for the right segment Communication umbrellas The actionable framework What are the quick wins?
Current situation
Removing the barriers
What the AD potential?
AD potential AD potential in the 4 pilots’ CountriesServices and opportunities for the system D6.3 – Economic benefits for stakeholders D6.1 – Scenario based report on AD potential D6.2 – AD based system services D6.4 – Report on data privacy impact assessment
Enjoy the day! advancedfp7.org