Case 1 US-guided needle biopsy Consistent with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Final Diagnosis Primary small bowel lymphoma CTx (R-CHOP) #2.
Gastrointestinal Lymphoma Lymphoid elements occur in the lamina propria & SM Primary lymphomas: usually involve one site Secondary lymphomas: typically, multiple sites involved NHL > HD Stomach > small bowel > colon > esophagus RFs HIV infection, immunosuppression after solid organ TPL H.pylori infection, Celiac disease, IBD Increased in Western with increasing incidence of HIV infection
Gastrointestinal Lymphoma Staging I: tumor confined to GIT, single primary site, and multiple non- contiguous lesions II: tumor extends into the abdominal cavity from the primary GI site - II1, local nodal involvement; II2, distant nodal involvement III: penetration through serosa to involve adjacent organs or tissues IV: disseminated extranodal involvement or a GIT lesion with supra- diphragmatic nodal involvement
Small Bowel Lymphoma 20-30% of all primary GI lymphomas Distal ileum (m/c): the greater amount of lymphoid tissue CT findings Circumferential bulky mass in the intestinal wall, often a/w extension into the SBM and regional LNs May ulcerate & perforate into the adjacent mesentery (sterile abscess) No desmoplastic response; obstruction is uncommon May mimic adenoca with bowel obstruction, and infiltration into adjacent structures
Small Bowel Lymphoma CT findings Aneurysmal dilatation of the lumen d/t replacement of the muscularis propria and destruction of the autonomic nerve plexus A focal, polypoid, homogeneous intraluminal mass without wall thickening or LAP Peritoneal lymphomatosis: rare - DDx Peritoneal carcinomatosis, TB peritonitis US: hypoechoic; circumferential wall thickening
Small Bowel Lymphoma T-cell lymphoma m/c in jejunum Higher prevalence of multifocal involvement and bowel perforation Usually mild to moderate bowel wall thickening GI lymphoma Bulky mass or diffuse infiltration Preservation of fat planes Multiple site involvement Associated bulky LAP
References RadioGraphics 2007; 27: Radiology 1999; 211: RadioGraphics 1990; 10: