connect communicate collaborate perfSONAR MDM updates for EGI Domenico Vicinanza perfSONAR MDM Product Manager EGI User Forum, Munich 26-30, March 2012
connect communicate collaborate What is perfSONAR MDM? perfSONAR MDM (Multi-Domain-Monitoring) is the multi-domain monitoring service for the GÉANT Service Area (GSA) Part of the GEANT portfolio Based on the perfSONAR protocol Interoperable with hundreds of deployments around the world (from the website)
connect communicate collaborate A new perfSONAR MDM: Compatible, open, interoperable Working with GÉANT/NREN NOCs which are actively using it Using direct user feedback to meet user expectations User Panel to gather requirements and constantly listen to the user community Simplified installation procedure The new packages are already in the perfSONAR repos Revised documentation (lightweight and modular) Towards full interoperability with perfSONAR-PS Successful use-cases
connect communicate collaborate Success story: perfSONAR MDM helps support intercontinental dance performance TERENA Network Performing Arts Production Workshop in Barcelona. Simultaneous performance featuring dancers in Brasilia and Barcelona performing together Video cameras in each venue captured the dancers – Audio/Video transmitted across high speed academic networks perfSONAR MDM used to assess the link between Brasilia and Barcelona across CESCA, redIRIS, GÉANT, redCLARA and RNP
connect communicate collaborate Benefits Immediate access to the complete picture: Improving multi-domain network performance troubleshooting Enabling consistent monitoring across multiple domains Tackling potential problems which may adversely impact remote resources access or data communications Better support for grid projects with partners in multiple countries
connect communicate collaborate Used worldwide to display network performances Easy to integrate into other visualisation tools Increasing number of organisations/events using perfSONAR to display network topology, utilisation, performances (from the NICT booth at Supercomputing 2011, Seattle – Collaboration between GEANT and NICT)
connect communicate collaborate A real answer to real use cases Built around real use cases: Network performances and troubleshooting Circuit monitoring (both statically and dynamically provisioned) SLA verification Federated deployment facilitated by a dedicated deployment team Each NREN provides at least one MP (and possibly a MA) In turn it gets access to GEANT and other participant NRENs MPs and MAs Supported Through GEANT Multi-Domain Service Desk – Covering any installation, deployment problem
connect communicate collaborate GÉANT Multi-Domain Service Desk perfSONAR MDM now officially supported by the GÉANT MDSD MDSD is operational from 08:00 to 17:00 UK time, Monday to Friday. Reachable by or telephone
connect communicate collaborate perfSONAR training for NRENs First perfSONAR training for NRENs March 2012 in Berlin, Germany Hands-on and focused on the deployment of a perfSONAR MDM node: With all the components required to be part of the service Led by experienced developers and deployers, Designed to help NRENs to deploy their perfSONAR MDM infrastructure and effectively configure it. 19 participants, 13 NRENs subscribed. Other similar events will follow
connect communicate collaborate Development news RedHat, 32 or 64 bits RPM packages released in January Already in the repository Debian, 32 or 64 bits DEB packages released in March Soon in the repository No hardware-dependent software No need for GPS antenna Run even on Virtual Machines
connect communicate collaborate In the pipeline HADES-OWAMP MP Full compatibility with perfSONAR PS Freedom to schedule any active test from a MP to any other MP – Both in EU and US Refurbished link utilisation component (RRD-MA) MySQL backend New web-based UI One URL to access all the metrics
connect communicate collaborate Interoperability with North America 43 measurement points in the GÉANT service area 8 measurement points in ESnet 9 measurement points in Internet2 GEANT ESnet Internet2
connect communicate collaborate perfSONAR MDM adoption: NREN Service Pilot Service pilot phase 13 NRENs (+GEANT Backbone) evaluating/implementing the perfSONAR MDM service for their NOC/PERT engineers. Second group of 8 NRENs now targeted More NRENs will join the pilot Liaising with other communities outside EU: TEIN, RedCLARA, GISELA, …
connect communicate collaborate The future: Dedicated perfSONAR Panel for other communities perfSONAR MDM main users are NOC and PERT engineers from EU NRENS but… There is an increasing interest from other communities: Network research (University College London) – Automatic network management – Virtualised and elastic environment management Grid Computing/Cloud Computing (EGI) – Optimised resource brokering – Service availability – Cloud federation High-Energy Physics – High bandwidth traffic with different shapes – Reliable access to remote storages Requirement gathering through dedicated panels
connect communicate collaborate New web interface perfSONAR MDM will have a new web interface Experimental version available here (password protected): A professional usability expert is working with the developer to make sure it satisfies commercial-grade usability requirements It will be then presented to the user communities
connect communicate collaborate Interface accessible from mobile devices (with on-demand capabilities) The interface on a smartphone (Apple iPhone)
connect communicate collaborate Troubleshooting on the move The result of an on-demand Bandwidth test run from an iPhone
connect communicate collaborate RRD-MA Purpose: Monitor link utilisation, input errors, packet drops Provide access to historical measurements Strategy: Query router interfaces using SNMP from a perfSONAR server Store data into RRD files – made accessible through web-service
connect communicate collaborate RRD-MA User Interface (web version)
connect communicate collaborate RRD-MA Path analysis using traceroute (web interface) Easy way to track utilisation across a path
connect communicate collaborate HADES-MA/MP (OWD, jitter, packet loss, traceroute)| Purpose: Monitor OWD, jitter, packet loss, traceroute variations – Regularly scheduled – On demand (to be implemented) Provide access to historical measurements Strategy: Sending 9 packets every minute from pS server (Meas. Point) – Measure OWD, jitter, packet loss and tracking IP route Store data into perfSONAR SQL-MA archive – made accessible through web-service
connect communicate collaborate HADES User Interface – OWD, jitter packet loss (web version)
connect communicate collaborate HADES User Interface – route comparison (web version) Simple route comparison
connect communicate collaborate BWCTL-MP/MA (Achievable bandwidth) Purpose: Measure the achievable bandwidth between two MPs – Regularly scheduled and – on demand (only for NREN NOC/PERT engineers) Provide access to historical measurements Strategy: Run bandwidth test between MPs using a web-service interface to BWCTL Display data with graph and store into perfSONAR SQL- MA archive – made accessible through web-service
connect communicate collaborate Accessing BWCTL Historic Measurements Each dot is a measurement run. Clicking on the dot a window displays the details
connect communicate collaborate …and getting the results in two clicks from the web interface
connect communicate collaborate New developments: Integration of the new weather map
connect communicate collaborate New weather map integration 19 perfSONAR parameters available
connect communicate collaborate Weather map examples (Packet loss)
connect communicate collaborate Weather map examples (One-way delay)
connect communicate collaborate perfSONAR MDM website: visits since April, from 58 countries Goals: -Single point of access for perfSONAR -Contact points, FAQs, resources & downloads, and support -Host news and success stories from Users
connect communicate collaborate perfSONAR Twitter Weekly tweets Messages re- tweeted by other sister networks and organisations Growing community of followers around the MDM
connect communicate collaborate perfSONAR MDM. Be part of it. Follow perfSONAR at: Website: perfSONAR training page: Info: