Managing Corporate Reputation Dr Yasmin K. Sekhon Level Verifier – Post Graduate Diploma Assignment briefing June and September 2014
Agenda minutes Overview of Syllabus Generic mark scheme Assignment Theme Assignment Structure Instructions task by task Format and Presentation Senior Examiner Feedback
Syllabus – Managing Corporate Reputation Developing the rationale for managing corporate reputation. Determining the scope of corporate reputation. Understanding the nature and characteristics of reputational management Understanding the current corporate reputation. Developing corporate brands. Managing the dimensions of an organisation’s reputation Determining the dimensions of corporate communications. Corporate communication strategies and methods. Developing effective corporate communications
Generic Mark Scheme – PG Diploma EvaluationPresentation ApplicationConcept 15%30% 45%10%
Assignment Theme Conduct an analysis of the organisation’s reputation and recommend a strategy which will help to take the company forward and promote a more SUSTAINABLE APPROACH to its business in the future. Evaluate the importance and significance of managing corporate reputation, evaluate your chosen organisation’s corporate reputation in relation to sustainable business practices.
Assignment Structure Core Section - Compulsory –Task % Elective Section –Task 2 – 40% –Task 3 – 40% (Only required to answer core section and ONE from the elective section.)
Task 1 - Core Core Section – Compulsory – 60% Developing a Corporate Reputation Strategy. Produce a report. Critically evaluate the concept of corporate reputation. Critically evaluate your chosen organisation’s corporate reputation with regards to sustainable business practices. Recommend, with justification, a corporate reputation strategy for the organisation which will strengthen its position with regard to sustainability practices.
Task 2 – Elective Elective Section – 40%. Using digital technologies to change customer behaviour. Produce a brief report. Critically evaluate the concept of digital technologies and their relevance and importance to driving positive messaging around sustainable business practices and the role they play in mobilising stakeholders and providing alternative platforms for the organisation to engage customers. Critically assess the actual or potential contribution digital technologies play in changing customer behaviour (sustainable business practices and possible dangers).
Task 2 - Elective Make recommendations, with justification and present an outline strategy to improve the organisation’s use and deployment of digital technologies to support and promote sustainable business and enhance its CR.
Task 3 – Elective Elective Section – 40%. Measuring the success of digital technologies in changing behaviour. Critically evaluate a range of measures of CR, analysing both offline and online measurement and evaluation tools. Critically assess the organisation’s current approach to measuring its CR both offline and online, make explicit links between the corporate and communications objectives in the core task and the evaluation approaches adopted.
Task 3 - Elective Recommend and justify an approach to improve the way in which your organisation currently measures its CR, given the enhanced use of digital technologies, include consideration of the benefits arising for the organisation should it adopt your recommendations.
Format and presentation Professional tone and relevant format needs to be applied to the individual tasks. Identify and acknowledge ALL sources/methodologies/applications used. Use the Harvard referencing system. Make appropriate use of appendices. Ensure you undertake the appropriate research and reading and then reference accordingly.
Senior Examiner Feedback Always read the assignment carefully and make sure all elements of the task are covered. Ensure there is the relevant use of appendices rather than just including items that have little or no relevance. Read widely, it becomes very clear those that read widely and are able to apply this to their answers. Choose the elective options carefully. Ensure critical thinking is demonstrated in the answers. Use Harvard referencing.
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