Mixed Messages
What does it mean? Tea Time
What does it mean? Paradise
What does it mean? Rest in Peace
What does it mean? Love Triangle
What does it mean? Super Woman
PLEXERS A PLEXER is a puzzle where words and symbols are made into a picture that stands for an expression or saying. For example:
Show your understanding of Geometric Transformations by presenting to your class, A Media Presentation showing PLEXERS that you have created from a set of transformed symbols you develop. Your Goal….
Over the Next 3 Weeks… You Will: Learn Geometric Transformations –Translations- Rotations –Reflections- Dilations Transform symbols you developed Create PLEXERS from your transformed symbols You Will: Learn Geometric Transformations –Translations- Rotations –Reflections- Dilations Transform symbols you developed Create PLEXERS from your transformed symbols
SYMB LS Symbols can be any picture or image that can understandably represent something. They can range from: –Letters –Numbers –Colors –Shapes –Or Anything else
Day 1: Intro to Unit Review Unit Description Learn about PLEXERS –PLEXER websitePLEXER
Day 2-4: Learning Transformations Students Learn Transformations and complete an ongoing MathLog –VIDEOVIDEO –DILATIONSDILATIONS –QUIZQUIZ
Day 5-6: Univers Revolved Univers Revolved Presentation by teacherUnivers Revolved Students work in groups to create a set of symbols
Day 6-9 Practice Page 115: Reflections – Complete and Reflect 3 of your symbols- QUIZ ReflectionsPage 115Reflections Page 117: Translations - Complete and Translate 3 of your symbols- QUIZ TranslationsPage 117Translations Page 119: Rotations - Complete and Rotate 3 of your symbols - QUIZ RotationsPage 119Rotations Page 125: Dilations - Complete and Dilate 3 of your symbols -QUIZ DilationsPage 125Dilations
Day 10-11: More Univers Revolved More Univers Revolved – Teacher PresentationUnivers Revolved Students work in groups to design Plexers using the symbols the created using all transformations learned
Day 12-13: PLEXERS Students design a slide.com presentation to present to the class showing their PLEXERSslide.com Day 14-15: Presentations Students present their PLEXERS to the class
Rubric CATEGORY4321 OriginalityPresentation shows considerable originality and inventiveness. The content and ideas are presented in a unique and interesting way. Presentation shows some originality and inventiveness. The content and ideas are presented in an interesting way. Presentation shows an attempt at originality and inventiveness on 1-2 cards. Presentation is a rehash of other people's ideas and/or graphics and shows very little attempt at original thought. Use of Graphics/ PLEXERS All graphics/PLEXERS are attractive (size and colors) and support the theme/content of the presentation. A few graphics/PLEXERS are not attractive but all support the theme/content of the presentation. All graphics/PLEXERS are attractive but a few do not seem to support the theme/content of the presentation. Several graphics/PLEXERS are unattractive AND detract from the content of the presentation. Content - Accuracy All transformations throughout the presentation are accurate. There are no graphing errors. Most of the transformations are accurate but there is some graphing that might be inaccurate. The transformations are generally accurate, much of the graphing is clearly flawed or inaccurate. Transformations are typically confusing or contains many graphing errors. Type of Graph Chosen Graph fits the data well and makes it easy to interpret. Graph is adequate and does not distort the data, but interpretation of the data is somewhat difficult. Graph distorts the data somewhat and interpretation of the data is somewhat difficult. Graph seriously distorts the data making interpretation almost impossible. Accuracy of PlotAll points are plotted correctly and are easy to see. A ruler is used to neatly connect the points or make the bars, if not using a computerized graphing program. All points are plotted correctly and are easy to see. All points are plotted correctly. Points are not plotted correctly OR extra points were included.
References and Web Sites hill.com/sites/dl/free/ /634463/geosgi.pdfhttp://glencoe.mcgraw- hill.com/sites/dl/free/ /634463/geosgi.pdf
After the PBL PBL – student centered This Project is designed to drive students to ask questions or want to learn more – it is intended to give a basic understanding to lead into more in-depth lessons.