Action Verbs Linking Verbs Chapter 17.2
Action Verb Action verbs express actions. They are used to tell what someone or something does, did or will do. Example: The students are learning about winter sports. The radio blared the broadcast of the hockey game. Note: Action verbs can also express mental activities such as learn, think or decide.
Linking Verbs Linking verbs express a condition. Certain linking verbs can also be used to show that something exists. Example: That man is a famous hockey player. The ice surface seems smooth Subject = Blue What the verb is linking the subject to = Green
The verb BE The Forms of BE am are is was were am being are being is being was being were being can be could be may be might be must be shall be should be will be would be have been had been could have been may have been might have been shall have been should have been will have been would have been
The form BE Most often the forms of BE that function as linking verbs express the condition of the subject. Occasionally, they may merely express existence, usually by showing with other words where the subject is located. Example: The skater is on the rink.
Other linking verbs… Other linking verbs appear look become remain feel seem grow smell look sound remain stay seem taste turn
Examples of linking verbs The winter air smelled crisp and clean. The crowd sounds excited. The driver stayed alert. Helpful hint: Not sure if it is an action or linking verb? If you think it’s a linking verb then insert am, are, or is in place of the verb. If it makes sense then it’s a linking verb!
Transitive Verbs A transitive verb directs action toward someone or something named in the same sentence. The word toward which a transitive verb directs its action is called the object. You can determine whether a verb has an objet by asking whom or what after the verb. If there is someone or something, that word is the object and the verb is a transitive verb. Example: The player shot the puck (shot what? Answer: puck)
Intransitive Verb An intransitive verb does not direct action toward anyone or anything named in the same sentence. Intransitive verbs never have objects. All linking verbs are intransitive! Example: The team practiced in the old ice arena. (practiced what? Answer: none.) The fan shouted loudly. (shouted what? Answer: none.)
Homework Pages 5,6,7 and 8.