Pronunciation &origin Pronunciation: \i-ˈvōk\ Function: transitive verb Inflected Form(s): evoked; evok·ing Etymology: French évoquer, from Latin evocare, from e- + vocare to call — more at v v v v v oooo cccc aaaa tttt iiii oooo nnnn
To bring to mind a momory or feeling frm the past, one that carries a particulor reaction or felling. Other definitions To call forth or up To bring to mind or recollection
Synonyms provoke provoke evoke evoke call forth call forth kick up kick up cause cause make make Raise Raise conjure conjure conjure up make happen Invoke stir call down arouse bring up put forward call forth
For college freshman, first visit back to high school evoke many positive memories and sentimental feelings. His voice evokes memories of days gone by, whilst staying true to the current music scene, in every form. Most sounds evoke conjectures of possible experiences differing from, and more important than, themselves. Sentences