Kingsley Area Schools Seven Literacy Strategies that Work Courtesy of Pam Ciganick, TBAISD re=PlayList&p=87F4A14DF67A81FB&index=33 re=PlayList&p=87F4A14DF67A81FB&index=33 stopwatch/ stopwatch/
Kingsley Area Schools JIGSAW Assign 1 strategy to each set of partners: Read the paragraph regarding that strategy Prepare a concise explanation of the strategy to share with the group Prepare an example of how you actually use the strategy in one of the units you are currently teaching (model it if desired)
Kingsley Area Schools Read-Alouds Seven Essential Components – The text is appropriate to students’ interests and matched to their developmental, emotional, and social levels. – Selection has been previewed and practiced by the teacher. – A clear purpose for the read-aloud is established. – Teachers model fluent oral reading when they read the text. – Teachers stop periodically and thoughtfully question the students to focus them on specifics of the text. – Connections are made to independent reading and writing.
Kingsley Area Schools K-W-L Charts What do I think I know?What do I wonder ?What did I learn?
Kingsley Area Schools Graphic Organizers Four main types – Concept Maps – Flow diagrams – Tree diagrams – Matrices – T Charts – Venn Diagrams – Spider diagrams (web)
Kingsley Area Schools Resources
Kingsley Area Schools Vocabulary Instruction Selecting Vocabulary Words Considerations for Selecting Vocabulary to Teach Questions to Ask RepresentativenessIs the concept represented by the word critical to understanding the lesson, activity, or text? RepeatabilityWill the word be used again during the school year in this class? TransportabilityWill the word be used in other subject areas or classes? Contextual AnalysisCan students use context clues to determine meaning? Structural AnalysisCan students use structural analysis to determine meaning? Cognitive LoadHave I identified too many words?
Kingsley Area Schools Vocabulary Strategies Frayer Model
Kingsley Area Schools Ten Important Words Read any article Record the 10 most important words on sticky notes, building a class bar graph. Write a one sentence summary of the content of the article.
Kingsley Area Schools Writing to Learn Allows students an opportunity to think and reflect on the content. Not intended to go through multiple refinements, but rather an informal glimpse into student thinking.
Kingsley Area Schools Tear Share (W-t-L) Arrange students in groups of four. Provide students with four-squared worksheet with pre- determined numbered questions. Groups read text independently. Write brief answers to questions. Fold, open, and tear squares. Redistribute 1’s, 2’s, 3’s and 4’s so one student has all like numbered squares. Write a synthesis statement that summarizes all statements. Share with whole group. Post on large chart paper if time permits.
Kingsley Area Schools Ink Share (W-t-L) Students write their thoughts about a topic and share with three other students. Highly engaging activity. Low teacher preparation needed! Turn it into a ‘physical’ blog?
Kingsley Area Schools Exit Slips (W-t-L) Used to gather information on student learning. Using index cards, students respond to a prompt and turn in their exit cards at the end of the class period. Exit cards offer students a chance to reflect on the lesson or material and provide the teacher with an opportunity to assess their learning. Example of Formative Assessment
Kingsley Area Schools R.A.F.T. (W-t-L) PURPOSE : Incorporates writing and encourages creativity, motivation, and active processing by students. R = Role of the writer (Who are you?) A = Audience for the writer (To whom are you writing?) F = Format of the writing (What form will your writing take?) T = Topic of the writing (What is your topic?)
Kingsley Area Schools Math Example
Kingsley Area Schools Structured Note taking The key is to have a system that everyone at the school agrees to use. Instructional focus shifts from the process of note taking to the products of note taking.
Kingsley Area Schools Cornell Notes Note taking is one of the most useful study skills a student can cultivate, but it is often not explicitly taught. Purpose: Improve understanding of content and increase responsibility for learning.
Kingsley Area Schools Reciprocal Teaching Relies on the four following comprehension skills: predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarizing. Students will teach information to a group. Each group member has an assigned role. Reciprocal Teaching is an example of Marzano’s ‘Cooperative Learning’ strategy.
Kingsley Area Schools WORK TIME! Work independently or in teams using the computers to plan ways to incorporate these strategies into upcoming lessons, create activities, templates, etc. (This work could be followed up on in an open lab later in the day if they have one scheduled)
Kingsley Area Schools Please make a CHOICE: Before you go… Go ONLINE to the ‘Teachers & Staff’ page Find the Seven Strategies section, select an answer to the ‘choice’ prompt (you must be logged into Moodle to do this)