THE ENLIGHTENMENT The Age of Reason. OUTLINE 1.What was the Enlightenment? 2.Enlightenment Thinkers 3.Magna Carta 4.Why is it important? Debates became.


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Presentation transcript:


OUTLINE 1.What was the Enlightenment? 2.Enlightenment Thinkers 3.Magna Carta 4.Why is it important? Debates became very common during the Enlightenment.

WHAT WAS THE ENLIGHTENMENT? The Enlightenment was a intellectual, philosophical, cultural, and social movement that spread through England, France, Germany, and other parts of Europe during the 1700s and early 1800s. The Enlightenment was a intellectual, philosophical, cultural, and social movement that spread through England, France, Germany, and other parts of Europe during the 1700s and early 1800s. Enlightenment thinkers challenged traditional authority and believed that human life could be improved by rational change. Enlightenment thinkers challenged traditional authority and believed that human life could be improved by rational change.

ENLIGHTENMENT THINKERS John Locke- Believed that people could be reasonable and moral; All men had natural rights; John Locke- Believed that people could be reasonable and moral; All men had natural rights; Natural rights- Governments purpose was to protect rights, which are Life, Liberty, and Property Natural rights- Governments purpose was to protect rights, which are Life, Liberty, and Property Thomas Hobbes- Believed that men were natural greedy, selfish, and cruel; Life would be in constant warfare without government Thomas Hobbes- Believed that men were natural greedy, selfish, and cruel; Life would be in constant warfare without government Henry David Thoreau- Believed in simplicity and self-reliance Henry David Thoreau- Believed in simplicity and self-reliance John Locke

MAGNA CARTA The Magna Carta was a document signed in England in 1215 that secured liberties for its elite class. The Magna Carta was a document signed in England in 1215 that secured liberties for its elite class. Brought an end to the absolute power of England’s leaders because they were now held accountable under the law. Brought an end to the absolute power of England’s leaders because they were now held accountable under the law. Inspired colonist to declare independence from Britain. Inspired colonist to declare independence from Britain. The Original Magna Carta

WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Caused people to think more rationally and scientifically rather than religiously Caused people to think more rationally and scientifically rather than religiously Used scientific evidence and theory instead of believing everything the church said. Used scientific evidence and theory instead of believing everything the church said. People challenged traditional society. People challenged traditional society. Inspiration for colonist. Inspiration for colonist. Promoted individualism and instilled the belief that all men were entitled to certain rights and liberties. Promoted individualism and instilled the belief that all men were entitled to certain rights and liberties. Inspired many of the founding fathers such as Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, and George Washington. Inspired many of the founding fathers such as Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, and George Washington.