21 st century artists
Art of the 21 st century: Damien Hirst “Artists are like everybody else“
Art of the 21 st century: Sarah Lucas
Art of the 21 st century: Julian Opie “I am simply using that which is available to describe that which is experienced”
Art of the 21 st century: Barbara Kruger “Do you know why language manifests itself the way it does in my work? It's because I understand short attention spans”
Art of the 21 st century: Mona Hatoum
Art of the 21 st century: David Shrigley
Art of the 21 st century: Mark Titchner “We react to language in a completely different way; you can't stop yourself from reading a word. It's a real moment of power"
Art of the 21 st century: Jenny Saville “I want people to know what it is they're looking at. But at the same time, the closer they get to the painting, it's like going back into childhood“
Art of the 21 st century: Jeff Koons “I try to be a truthful artist and I try to show a level of courage. I enjoy that. I'm a messenger.”
Art of the 21 st century: Tracey Emin “There is nothing difficult about my work, and people get to hear it from me”
Art of the 21 st century: Peter Doig “I'm not trying to make paintings look like photos. I want to make paintings using photos as a reference, the way painters did when photography was first invented.”
Art of the 21 st century: Fiona Rae
Art of the 21 st century: Banksy "Remember crime against property is not real crime. People look at an oil painting and admire the use of brushstrokes to convey meaning. People look at a graffiti painting and admire the use of a drainpipe to gain access"
Art of the 21 st century: Swoon “Once walls become used as a message board, I think, “If you’re talking to me, I’m going to talk back.”
Art of the 21 st century: Marc Quinn “Part of the job of the artist, as I see it, is to make people re-examine the world with fresh eyes.”
Art of the 21 st century: Jenny Holzer "Expressing anger is necessary."
Art of the 21 st century: Antony Gormley “Art is the means by which we communicate what it feels like to be alive.. Art is not necessarily good for you or about communicating "good things””
Art of the 21 st century: Katy Moran “When I’m making a painting, I get quite excited by how close to awful I can push it, while getting something quite lovely from it as well”
Art of the 21 st century: Andy Goldsworthy ”I enjoy working in a quiet and subversive way.”
Art of the 21 st century: Cornelia Parker “There's such a freedom about being an artist... You're not accountable – you're this renegade thing”