Defining 21st Century Skills: A Frameworks for Norfolk Public Schools NORFOLK BOARD OF EDUCATION Fall 2009
More important in the 21 st Century Postsecondary education and training Academic knowledge and skills Practical literacies: The ability to use knowledge of math, English, science, civics etc. to meet real-world challenges. Broader competencies: Critical thinking and problem solving, communications and collaboration, creativity, self- sufficiency etc.
NPS Administrators and Teachers recognize: Communities expect graduates to thrive in the Digital Age 21st century skills required for such success are not well defined Those skills are not included in many state learning standards or measured on most state and local assessments
What are the real school problems? Students who graduate are lacking in basic math and science skills Many, many students think they are going to college but do not prepare for it or any other possible future Agility at learning skills is what differentiates a 21st Century citizen and learner from a 20th Century citizen and learner….The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.
The Growing Gap There is a growing gap between the knowledge and skills students learn in school and the knowledge and skills they need in typical 21 st century communities and workplaces. Specifically, our students will spend their adult lives in a multitasking, multifaceted, technology-driven, diverse vibrant world.
Nearly two-thirds of new jobs will require postsecondary education or training Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2008, February). Occupational projections and training data: edition. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor. (p. 4, Table I-3) New jobs, :
Academics count: Preparing students for college and work Completing advanced math courses in high school has a greater influence on whether students will graduate from college than any other factor, including family background; students who take math beyond Algebra II double their chances of earning a bachelor’s degree. Just taking advanced math has a direct impact on future earnings, apart from any other factors; students who take advanced math have higher incomes ten years after graduating—regardless of family background, classroom grades, and college degrees. Recent studies suggest that higher math skills at the end of high school* translates into a 12 percent boost in wages. (* Scoring one standard deviation higher on a standardized math test.)
DESIGNING 21ST CENTURY LEARNING What is a 21 st Century school / district / teacher? What does “engaged” learning look like in the 21 st Century? What is essential knowledge for children in the 21 st Century? What are the “critical” tools that teachers will need and students will use to realize the 21 st Century Skills?
Framework for 21st Century Learning Partnership for 21st Century Skills
Framework for 21st Century Learning English, reading or language arts World language Art Mathematics Economics Science Geography History Government and Civics Global awareness Financial and economic literacy Business and entrepreneurial literacy Civic literacy Health literacy Core Subjects 21st Century Themes
Framework for 21st Century Learning Flexibility & Adaptability Initiative & Self-Direction Social & Cross-Cultural Skills Productivity & Accountability Leadership & Responsibility Life and Career Skills
Creativity and Innovation Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Communication and Collaboration Framework for 21st Century Learning Learning and Innovation Skills
Framework for 21st Century Learning Information Literacy Media Literacy ICT Literacy Information, Media, and Technology Skills
Norfolk Public Schools 21 st Century Frameworks: I. Critical and Creative Thinkers, Innovators, and Problem Solvers Critical Thinking: Analyze and evaluate information and ideas to determine appropriate actions or develop a point of view. Creative/Innovative Thinking: Generate original ideas, and unique solutions or new associations of existing ideas. Thinking and Problem Solving: Anticipate and identify problems and challenges. Frame, analyze and synthesize systemically to problem solve current issues, identify future opportunities and innovations, and flexibly adapt to change.
Norfolk Public Schools 21 st Century Frameworks: II. Effective Communicators and Collaborators Information Literacy: Use digital technology in an ethical manner, to identify relevant sources, evaluate validity, synthesize, evaluate, and interpret information. Collaboration: Interact with diverse groups to achieve an objective while displaying flexibility and willingness to understand alternate points of view. Assume a shared responsibility for collaborative work. Communication: Articulate ideas and information clearly, effectively, and appropriately for the given context, medium, and audience.
Norfolk Public Schools 21 st Century Frameworks: III. Globally Aware, Responsible Learners Globally Aware: Recognize and understand the social, economic, and political issues and concerns that connect us on all levels - locally, nationally and/or globally - and commit, when necessary, to using this knowledge to inform decisions and actions. Work Ethic: Self-directed, adaptable, social/personal accountability, and leadership. Demonstrates diligence and a positive work ethic, including being punctual and reliable, as well as integrity, responsibility and ethical behavior.
How can students succeed as 21st century learners in Norfolk? 6 Key Elements of 21 st Century Learning Emphasize core subjects Emphasize learning skills Use 21st century tools to develop learning skills Teach & Learn in a 21st century context Teach & Learn 21st century content Use 21st century assessments that measure 21st century skills
Every student in the Norfolk Public Schools must be: A critical thinker A problem solver An effective communicator An effective collaborator A self-directed learner Information and media literate Globally aware Civically engaged Financially and economically literate
What can educators do? 1.Focus on 21 st century outcomes for every student. 2.Build a consensus around the 21 st century skills with business leaders, community groups, parents, policymakers. 3.Focus on professional development. 4.Focus on assessment.
21 st Century Tools iSchool Initiative
Time for Q & A