Girraween Public School
Bring Your Own Device
Bring your own device (BYOD) refers to technology models where students bring a personally owned device to school for the purpose of learning. A personally owned device is any technology device brought into the school and owned by a student (or the student’s family), staff or guests.
Literature states that students are engaged and work collaboratively in class when they have access to all the tools they require…
Build on the characteristics of today’s students. Provide a 21st century learning environment. Our School Management Plan provides for the learning required in classrooms to prepare our students for the 21 st century.
They are digital natives They live in a multimedia world Their media is all colour They prioritise visual learning They demand creativity They learn best through trial and error They constantly connect and collaborate They access information that is live and linked
Sheer numbers Access to WIFI Multiple brands of device Students off task Security Screen time
Learning anytime, anywhere without schedule or access restrictions Personalised devices Allows for immediate application in the classroom Replicates a technology-rich environment already common in higher education and business Flexibility—support different learners with different needs
Spelling Classroom Study Ladder SEESAW Microsoft suite Minecraft Airserver Google classroom Splashtop (vision impaired) Pobble365
As part of our literature studies groups PBL Mathematics (graphing, collection of data) Research data Student presentations SEESAW Writing (all text types, journal writing) BLOG Website design
As part of literacy rotation groups, students are using Spelling Classroom and Study Ladder. MS365 is used for writing tasks Devices are used for self recording (spelling activities) Students have created spelling games using Minecraft Used for literacy groups PBL (Australia’s Federation) Science Research (all KLA’s)
Literacy activities (Google classroom – multiple activities and lessons have been uploaded) Spelling Comprehension tasks (multimedia content) Art (research to gain a real life perspective of artist or topic) Publishing of work Dictionary/thesaurus
- Researching a topic - Finding definitions and meanings of words - Reading/viewing/listening to a variety of text types - Creating visual arts, music, drama and dance - Becoming more familiar with MS365 and other pieces of software for publishing work - Complementing what was being done prior to BYOD and not replacing it.
Spelling city Recording reading for fluency Persuasive writing (creation of an advertisement) Publishing Mathematics (graphing –Excel) Art (photography) Recount writing (airplay) research
Recording of speeches for reflection of students presentation skills Researching information during group tasks Creation of video for class assembly item Design and edit of movies Tracking observations in science (photography) Writing tasks (research)
Research projects Mathematics (real life examples – take or find pictures of prisms and pyramids compare and state differences) History (researching past prime ministers) Literacy –vocab and writing Science (record lessons, presentations) PBL
Recording of own reading to improve fluency Monitoring of students own writing – self editing Publishing Use as a tool (dictionary, thesaurus) Students will document their own learning through image and video (science experiments) Genius hour (research) Presentation tool
Time for you…