Ankeny Community Schools Community Forums April – May, 2009
Welcome on behalf of the Ankeny Board of Directors and Superintendent of Schools
Our Objective Updates, Future Planning and Questions/Answers
Our Objective Board goals and priorities Academic enhancements and plans Schedules Facility planning and development Transition to multiple secondary schools Proposed boundary lines Proposed feeder system Questions/answers
Board of Directors Goals & Priorities Update
Board Priorities - Completed SILO repeal/penny sales tax Open Ashland Ridge Elementary School 8-9 middle school site Elementary sites – NE & SW sections New board advisory committees calendar Updated 10-Year Facility Master Plan New Web site Name elementary #9 site
Approve new boundary lines Approve new feeder system Implement paperless board meetings using technology hardware and software Develop a plan to address short-term and long-term athletic facilities Re-examine the school district’s elementary facility needs and amend the elementary portion of the board-approved 10-Year Facility Master Plan Board Priorities – Completed In Less Than 45 Days
Report to the board the current district-wide safety and crisis plan. Develop policies and procedures… Approve curriculum: mathematics, modern language and art Develop and present academic best practices to the board for: –Homework policy, semester exams, professional development, International Baccalaureate, acceleration, special programs, grading practices, assessments Develop and present a comprehensive and exemplary elementary program to the board, including a full examination of 21st century skills, best practices and a defined world-class education
Board Priorities – Summer Form transition team (staff & citizens) –Transitioning to a multiple secondary school system Finalize recommended plan to increase athletics/activities opportunities Review current opportunities in intramural programming Develop plans within each district department to address short-term and long-term issues Board Retreat: New Goals/Priorities ( )
Pay-to-ride student transportation Conservation property: City park Administration annex: Vacated police station Additional collaboration with City of Ankeny –City hall facility –City library facility –Infrastructure: Improvement plan/City of Ankeny Policies (e.g., instructional/library materials; student attendance 18 th & State Street: Proposed athletic complex Elementary #9 bond referendum A Few Upcoming District Issues
Academics Enhancements, Changes, And Future Plans
Academic Accomplishments Curriculum review –Mathematics, modern language, art Enrichment opportunities Progress: student acceleration Health & wellness Academic coaches Specialized coordination –Mathematics, reading –Special programs ( )
Academic Accomplishments Adjusted start/end times Late Wednesday starts Structures & schedules
Adjusted Start/End Times Increased instructional time –10 min./day to elementary level –20 min./day to Parkview schedule –15 min./day to Northview schedule Secondary students to start later –Extensive research showing adolescent and older students do better in school when starting class later. Financial savings – efficient busing –Creates bus routing efficiencies that are estimated to save the district between $300,000 and $400,000 per year.
BuildingM, T, Th, F Drop-Off M, T, Th, F Student Hours Wednesday Drop-Off Wednesday Student Hours Elementary7:30 am7:55 am - 2:45 pm8:30 am8:55 am - 2:45 pm Parkview7:30 am8:30 am - 3:35 pm8:30 am9:30 am - 3:35 pm Northview7:20 am8:20 am - 3:25 pm8:20 am9:20 am - 3:25 pm AHS7:30 am8:25 am - 3:30 pm8:30 am9:25 am - 3:30 pm Adjusted School Hours
Late Wednesday Starts #1 Influence on student learning = THE TEACHER Professional development –Consistent; regular –Focus on student achievement –Professional learning communities structure School district’s commitment –Accountable –Improved student learning –Improved teacher instruction –Improved administrative leadership
Late Wednesday Starts Buses: regular routes one hour later on Wednesdays to correspond with the late start time Possibility of pay-to-ride student busing Many daycare facilities in Ankeny have indicated they will offer Wednesday service YMCA will offer a Wednesday-only before-school program Survey: 79% of parents responding identified options for Wednesdays
Structures & Schedules Priority #1: Improved student learning We will do what it takes… Schedules will change… Academic achievement data will lead the way…
Why Now? Board Priority #12 – Curriculum review Board Priority #18 – New elementary program Board Priority #19 – Academic best practices –Acceleration –Professional development –Homework –Semester exams –Grading practices –Assessments –Other areas deemed appropriate by Curriculum & Inst. Dept. Board Priority #20 – Professional learning communities
Why Now? … because almost 8,000 Ankeny students – your children – deserve an education that allows them to compete with students throughout… THE WORLD!
Facility Planning Board Approved Master Facility Plan (Projects & Timelines)
Facility Planning Elementary Elementary 10 – TBD Multiple secondary school system – 2013 –We’ll come back to this one in a second… Other considerations: –Print shop –Warehouse space –Athletic facilities (football, track, soccer, swimming/diving, softball, baseball, etc.) –Administrative space – all other considerations to be addressed first Facility planning is now continual and long-term; facility plan has been extended to 2018
The Transition: Multiple Secondary Schools Timelines, Locations & Expectations
AHS at Prairie Trail at Prairie Trail 8-9 at Prairie Trail 8-9 at Prairie Trail Northview 8-9 Parkview 6-7 NENWWWARSECTE 2009 – 2010 School Year
AHS at Prairie Trail at Prairie Trail 8-9 at Prairie Trail 8-9 at Prairie Trail at 36 th Street at 36 th Street Elem. 9 at Prairie Trail Elem. 9 at Prairie Trail Northview 8-9 Parkview 6-7 NENWWWARSECTE 2010 – 2011 School Year
10-12 at Prairie Trail at Prairie Trail Serving 11 th &12 th 8-9 at Prairie Trail 8-9 at Prairie Trail Serving 10 th 8-9 at Prairie Trail 8-9 at Prairie Trail at Prairie Trail at Prairie Trail AHS at 36 th Street at 36 th Street Northview 8-9 Parkview 6-7 NENWWWARSECTE#9 Elem. 9 at Prairie Trail Elem. 9 at Prairie Trail Phase II Northview 6-7 Former AHS – 2012 School Year
10-12 at Prairie Trail at Prairie Trail Serving 11 th &12 th 8-9 at Prairie Trail 8-9 at Prairie Trail Serving 10 th Former AHS at 36 th Street at 36 th Street Northview 6-7 Parkview 6-7 NENWWWARSECTE Phase II # – 2013 School Year
10-12 at 36 th Street at 36 th Street at Prairie Trail at Prairie Trail 8-9 at Prairie Trail 8-9 at Prairie Trail Former AHS 8-9 NENWWWAR Phase II SECTE#9 Northview 6-7 Parkview – 2014 School Year Mascot TBD at 36 th Street at 36 th Street
th Northview 8-9 Prairie Trail MS Serving 10th Prairie Trail HS 36th Street HS Prairie Trail HS 6 th Parkview 6-7Northview 8-9AHS 8-9 Prairie Trail MS Serving 10th 36th Street HS Prairie Trail HS 5 th Parkview 6-7 AHS th Street HS Prairie Trail HS 4 th ElementaryParkview 6-7 Northview 6-7 AHS 8-9 Parkview 6-7Prairie Trail rd Elementary Northview 6-7 AHS 8-9 Parkview 6-7 Prairie Trail nd Elementary (New Boundaries) Northview 6-7 Parkview st Elementary (New Boundaries) Elementary Northview 6-7 Parkview 6-7 K Elementary (New Boundaries) Elementary
th Northview 8-9 Prairie Trail MS Serving 10th Prairie Trail HS 36th Street HS Prairie Trail HS 6 th Parkview 6-7Northview 8-9AHS 8-9 Prairie Trail MS Serving 10th 36th Street HS Prairie Trail HS 5 th Parkview 6-7 AHS th Street HS Prairie Trail HS 4 th ElementaryParkview 6-7 Northview 6-7 AHS 8-9 Parkview 6-7Prairie Trail rd Elementary Northview 6-7 AHS 8-9 Parkview 6-7 Prairie Trail nd Elementary (New Boundaries) Northview 6-7 Parkview st Elementary (New Boundaries) Elementary Northview 6-7 Parkview 6-7 K Elementary (New Boundaries) Elementary
th Northview 8-9 Prairie Trail MS Serving 10th Prairie Trail HS 36th Street HS Prairie Trail HS 6 th Parkview 6-7Northview 8-9AHS 8-9 Prairie Trail MS Serving 10th 36th Street HS Prairie Trail HS 5 th Parkview 6-7 AHS th Street HS Prairie Trail HS 4 th ElementaryParkview 6-7 Northview 6-7 AHS 8-9 Parkview 6-7Prairie Trail rd Elementary Northview 6-7 AHS 8-9 Parkview 6-7 Prairie Trail nd Elementary (New Boundaries) Northview 6-7 Parkview st Elementary (New Boundaries) Elementary Northview 6-7 Parkview 6-7 K Elementary (New Boundaries) Elementary
th Northview 8-9 Prairie Trail MS Serving 10th Prairie Trail HS 36th Street HS Prairie Trail HS 6 th Parkview 6-7Northview 8-9AHS 8-9 Prairie Trail MS Serving 10th 36th Street HS Prairie Trail HS 5 th Parkview 6-7 AHS th Street HS Prairie Trail HS 4 th ElementaryParkview 6-7 Northview 6-7 AHS 8-9 Parkview 6-7Prairie Trail rd Elementary Northview 6-7 AHS 8-9 Parkview 6-7 Prairie Trail nd Elementary (New Boundaries) Northview 6-7 Parkview st Elementary (New Boundaries) Elementary Northview 6-7 Parkview 6-7 K Elementary (New Boundaries) Elementary
th Northview 8-9 Prairie Trail MS Serving 10th Prairie Trail HS 36th Street HS Prairie Trail HS 6 th Parkview 6-7Northview 8-9AHS 8-9 Prairie Trail MS Serving 10th 36th Street HS Prairie Trail HS 5 th Parkview 6-7 AHS th Street HS Prairie Trail HS 4 th ElementaryParkview 6-7 Northview 6-7 AHS 8-9 Parkview 6-7Prairie Trail rd Elementary Northview 6-7 AHS 8-9 Parkview 6-7 Prairie Trail nd Elementary (New Boundaries) Northview 6-7 Parkview st Elementary (New Boundaries) Elementary Northview 6-7 Parkview 6-7 K Elementary (New Boundaries) Elementary
th Northview 8-9 Prairie Trail MS Serving 10th Prairie Trail HS 36th Street HS Prairie Trail HS 6 th Parkview 6-7Northview 8-9AHS 8-9 Prairie Trail MS Serving 10th 36th Street HS Prairie Trail HS 5 th Parkview 6-7 AHS th Street HS Prairie Trail HS 4 th ElementaryParkview 6-7 Northview 6-7 AHS 8-9 Parkview 6-7Prairie Trail rd Elementary Northview 6-7 AHS 8-9 Parkview 6-7 Prairie Trail nd Elementary (New Boundaries) Northview 6-7 Parkview st Elementary (New Boundaries) Elementary Northview 6-7 Parkview 6-7 K Elementary (New Boundaries) Elementary
th Northview 8-9 Prairie Trail MS Serving 10th Prairie Trail HS 36th Street HS Prairie Trail HS 6 th Parkview 6-7Northview 8-9AHS 8-9 Prairie Trail MS Serving 10th 36th Street HS Prairie Trail HS 5 th Parkview 6-7 AHS th Street HS Prairie Trail HS 4 th ElementaryParkview 6-7 Northview 6-7 AHS 8-9 Parkview 6-7Prairie Trail rd Elementary Northview 6-7 AHS 8-9 Parkview 6-7 Prairie Trail nd Elementary (New Boundaries) Northview 6-7 Parkview st Elementary (New Boundaries) Elementary Northview 6-7 Parkview 6-7 K Elementary (New Boundaries) Elementary
Proposed Boundary Lines and Feeder System
Some Closing Comments
Number of K-12 Students 7,947 Total Certified Enrollment Our Changing District
Number of K-12 Students 9,749 Projected Student Enrollment Our Changing District
“Change” As our district grows, It cannot be about me; It cannot be about you; It must be about students and their learning.
We are ALL asked to make sacrifices… We are ALL asked to make changes… We are ALL working TOGETHER… … because we desire every kid…
be a student in a school district With One Primary Mission: Improve Student Learning Within A World-Class Environment
“Q & A” Time! Ankeny Community School District does not discriminate based on race, creed, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, physical attributes, physical or mental ability or disability, ancestry, political party preference, military affiliation, socioeconomic status, or familial status. Inquiries and grievances may be directed to the Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services, 306 S.W. School Street, P.O. Box 189, Ankeny, Iowa , (515) , or the Director of the Iowa Civil Rights Commission, 500 West Madison Street, Suite 2800, Chicago, IL