By: Michelle Flicek November 2010
Solution Fluency Creativity + problem solving *defining what the problem is *applying a solution to a problem *evaluating the process
Locating digital media, but also effectively assessing the information that is found -evaluate the data they find -understand what information is accurate and find other sources to verify it -use a variety of informational sources and searching tools -know which tools to use that will help them best locate the answers to their questions
Cooperatively working with virtual and real partners in an online environment Interact with people all over the world on projects Communicate with others to receive new information
Use art to gain meaning *Use their imagination to create items like stories Use art to gain meaning *Use their imagination to create items like stories
Media Fluency Communicate with others through digital media -Evaluate and analyze communication media and also create original digital media -Use digital media products to show they understand what is being taught
Digital Citizen Consistency with their off line personality online Internet Safety Create appearances that are similar to their own personalities Realize that others may not be who they say they are Make appropriate online judgments about what is safe Consistency with their off line personality online Internet Safety Create appearances that are similar to their own personalities Realize that others may not be who they say they are Make appropriate online judgments about what is safe Off line: Online:
Works cited Jukes, Ian, McCain, Ted & Crockett, Lee. (2010). Understanding the Digital Generation: Teaching and Learning in the New Digital Landscape. Kelowna, British Columbia: 21 st Century Fluency Project Inc.