2009 年度高职高专国家精品课程教材 新世纪高职高专汽车运用技术专业系列规划教材 新世纪高职高专教材编审委员会 总主编 韩 艳 主 编 韩 艳 ( 第二版 )
UNIT 9 Auto Technology Content Section I Listening and Speaking Section II Reading Section III Grammar Section IV Comprehensive Practice Section V Self-Evaluation Section VI Enlarge Your Vision
UNIT 9 Auto Technology Learning to know: 1. Different kinds of auto terminologies related to auto technology; 2. The functions and significance of auto technology; 3. Useful words and expressions about the auto technology. Learning to do: 1. Distinguish various kinds of terminologies related to auto technology; 2. Identify functions of auto technology; 3. Give a presentation about auto technology.
丰田 Mirai 燃料电池汽车工作原理 丰田 Mirai 燃料电池汽车工作原理
Section I Listening and Speaking capacity n. 容量;生产量 ; 能力 facility n. [ 常用复数 ] 便利,设备 slate vt. 铺石板 cruise n. 巡航,巡游 hybrid a. 混合的,杂种的
Section I Listening and Speaking Picture recognition. You will hear some statements. Please recognize which picture each statement is referring to. Task 1: ABDEFC A. engine B. steering wheelC. GPS D. suspension E. air bagF. auto transmission
Section I Listening and Speaking Read and match. Read the following terms and make a match. Task 2: 1. ABS anti ⁃ lock brake system( ) 多点燃油喷射 2. CCS cruise control system ( ) 四轮驱动 3. FWD four wheel drive ( ) 涡轮增压柴油机 4. GPS global positioning system ( ) 巡航控制系统 5. TD turbo diesel ( ) 混合动力车 6. ESCS electronic suspension control system( ) 防抱死制动系统 7. MPFI multi port fuel injection ( ) 车辆防盗安全系统 8. VTSS vehicle theft security system ( ) 自动变速器 9. HV hybrid vehicle ( ) 电子悬架控制系统 10.AT automatic transmission ( ) 全球卫星定位系统
Section I Listening and Speaking Act out. Practice dialogues according to the situations provided with your partner. Task 3: Situation 1: A sales manager, Jack, is introducing a new car with emphasis on its new technology to a customer, while the customer keeps asking questions about the performance of the car. Situation 2: John is talking with Sally about seat belt and air bag. They try to find out which is more effective in case of collision.