GCSE PE The Respiratory System: anaerobic
AIMS: *Understand anaerobic respiration and exercise that require it. *Know what takes place during recovery. *Understand the function of the blood in this process.
Key terms: Glycogen: the main form of carbohydrate storage, which is converted into glucose as needed by the body to satisfy its energy needs. Lactic Acid: a mild poison and waste product of anaerobic respiration.
Anaerobic Respiration: Anaerobic respiration occurs in the absence of oxygen. glucose to energy to lactic acid It can only be used for short bursts.
Have you ever used anaerobic respiration?! Vigorous exertion/exercise... Under 60 seconds... Feel short of breath...
This happens as a result of muscles respiring during exercise. Result of body sufficient supplies of So we call on stores in body as alternative energy supply. Can only respire for about In this time we which we then to the body. Known as our Causes a build up of in working muscles, this makes A enables lactic acid to disperse and discomfort. Oxygen Debt
Oxygen Debt: fill in the missing words warm down anaerobically vigorous oxygen. glycogen avoids 60 seconds. ‘borrow’ oxygen, running out of ‘owe’ oxygen debt.lactic acid muscles hurt. anaerobically
This happens as a result of muscles respiring anaerobically during vigorous exercise. Result of body running out of sufficient supplies of oxygen. So we call on glycogen stores in body as alternative energy supply. Can only respire anaerobically for about 60 seconds. In this time we ‘borrow’ oxygen, which we then ‘owe’ to the body. Known as our oxygen debt. Causes a build up of lactic acid in working muscles, this makes muscles hurt. A warm down enables lactic acid to disperse and avoids discomfort. Oxygen Debt: answers
When you take part in any activity, how much anaerobic exercise do you carry out compared to aerobic exercise?
After vigorous exercise we have to take in extra oxygen (feeling short of breath is normal and experienced by everyone!) Helps to convert possibly painful lactic acid to simple waste products to be removed from the body. Recovery Period:
Recovery period Expiration of breath: removes carbon dioxide and waste products from lungs. Perspiration: temperature control, and removes excess water such as sweat, lets heat escape through evaporation from skin. Stops overheating. Excretion: urine and faeces, removes excess water and waste products from lactic acid.
What role do you think the blood plays in this process?
Controlling body temperature. Transporter (oxygen, glucose and waste products all transported around body through the blood). Role of the blood:
Create questions: I mark question on anaerobic respiration. 2 mark question on oxygen debt. 2 mark question on recovery process. 1 mark question on role of blood.