The FORCLIMIT Network: Potential Cooperation in India? Identify priority areas for research cooperation Establish working groups or relationships Seek stakeholder input from the private sector, NGOs, and government institutions in India and U.S. –Identify their needs, questions, policy concerns, technical issues Select 1-2 case studies for intensive analysis of technical issues Schedule set of activities over 1-2 years: say, analysis /outreach/stakeholder input workshops in May 2003??, December, 2003??, and May 2004?? Schedule for publishing results
The FORCLIMIT Network: Potential Cooperation in India?: p. 2 Institutional arrangements: call it “FORCLIMIT-India”? –Umbrella agreement MoEF/USEPA exists –Draft workplan for cooperative network Seek stakeholder input: find private companies who are potential investors (Indian, US?); seek NGO views Evaluate major program delivery approaches: –JFM and CFM –Private company contracts for purchase of specific good (eg, carbon as commodity, like ITC purchase biomass for paper mill) –Hybrid approaches: village production of commodity, but private- public entities handle some issues (e.g., bundling of small land parcels?, measurement?, monitoring?, marketing?, insurance and verification?)
Build Analyses on Major Forest Mitigation Options in India Ravindranath et al, 2001
1-3 Case Studies: What is Needed? Scale: c. 1,000 – 100,000 ha to address issues Sites w/ good data to start: LU, LUC, forest or cropland soil C density, institutions. Don’t start from scratch. Select to represent: 1) major mitigation options; 2) large areas; 3) progressive institutional settings (top-down & bottom-up); 4) program delivery approach options. Include community & potential private investors in case study, dialog: select realistic cases that could be funded. Evaluate approaches to address project technical issues (baselines, leakage, etc.) Barriers analysis: transaction costs, bundling land parcels, Assess how potential national guidelines would work at this case study re: GHGs, biodiversity, sus. development co-benefits: on scenario basis.
Candidates: Forest Mitigation Case Studies Case Options Short rotation Long rotation Regener- ation Protection Andra P.?Paper mill pltns Tamarind case Paper mill approach? Cement co ? Dehradun area? X? West Bengal? CFM? ?
FORCLIMIT-India: Potential National-Scale Activities? COMAP analysis by state or promising areas?? –Identify mitigation option mix by state –Improve cost estimates –Develop MACs: mitigation abatement curves ($/tC), that reflect barriers at state level & market potential– realistic. Assess scenarios of policy goals: e.g., sustainable forestry, commercial forestry, maximize biodiversity or community benefits?? Do first-order overlay of CC impacts/adaptation vs. mitigation?? Use analysis for: project proposal; MoEF policy needs; global models. Policy exercises: –1) evaluate potential guidelines for sequestration activities, for case studies?? –2) training in emissions trading and carbon market development for forestry, at workshops?? Potential Goal: assess India’s comparative advantage in supplying C while achieving sus. dev. co-benefits in global market context
Areas of Potential Cooperation to Realize Sinks Potential Improve models to handle socioeconomic and technical issues. Perform pilot project analyses: issues. Stimulate development of standard methods & guidance for US and developing country offsets. Assist key countries in evaluation of international offsets opportunities, barriers, institutional arrangements. Dialog on potential activities & issues with stakeholders. Assess rural livelihood, biodiversity effects.
EPA-LBNL FORCLIMIT Network: Capacity Building FORCLIMIT –Forestry and Climate Change Mitigation Network: Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines. Objectives: –Assist LULUCF inventory improvement: data, methods –Assess options for forest maintenance, expansion, & improved management, & GHG benefits. –Dialog among government, private, NGO, experts. –Assess 1-3 case studies: technical, financial, rural livelihood, sustainable development aspects.