Only about 10% of the nation's institutions of higher learning have Phi Beta Kappa chapters. And only about 10% of the arts and sciences graduates of these institutions are invited to join The Phi Beta Kappa Society for a lifetime membership, which makes the invitation process one of the most selective in the nation.
The ideal Phi Beta Kappa member has demonstrated intellectual integrity, tolerance for other views, and a broad range of academic interests. Each year, about one college senior in a hundred, nationwide, is invited to join The Phi Beta Kappa Society.
Since the Society’s founding in 1776: 17 U.S. Presidents 38 U.S. Supreme Court Justices More than 130 Nobel Laureates Countless authors, diplomats, athletes, actors, and business leaders
Benefits of PBK Membership: Prestigious distinction Lifetime Connections/Networks Cultural and educational opportunities
Eligibility: Senior in liberal arts or sciences (CLA, COS, CEOAS, Bioresource Research, Botany, Environmental Economics and Policy, Sustainability Double Degree, International Double Degree) Completed at least 135 credits 3.5 GPA At least one course in college-level math Proficiency in second/non-native language Good moral character