MU – Transition of Care and Patient Education Where to click.
MAQDash – MU Menu
MAQDash – Transition of Care
MAQDash – Patient Education
Patient Education Button
Medication Ordered then a Patient Education Sheet is Available Just click on the medication, view the sheet, and print the page. This will count in your MU numerator. Anytime a medication is ordered the patient counts in the denominator. You can also print custom education sheets using a local disk that you store forms on, your own local computer, or through Adam or Healthwise paid subscriptions.
Screenshot with Meds Ordered
Includes: Patient Provider is Referring to a Specialist Sending Patient from the Office Visit to the ER Pre-Op – when specialist is sending patient to you for clearance Follow-Up from Urgent Care / ER / Specialist MD, NP, PA, PT, OT, ST and others that provide care / orders Transition of Care – Who? When?
Adam (eCW and Portal) Health Wise (eCW only, but coming for the Portal) Shared Hard Drive – Upload PDF’s, Documents, Etc. Individual Local Computer Print to PDF and Send an eMessage with Information (Gives numerator credit, but sent electronically) Order Sets Patient Education