Dr. Shih-Shin Chen Business Psychology Dept. Health Care Management NTUNHS
【本報綜合報導】瑞典一項研究顯示, 蠢人原來跟香菸、咖啡或油膩食物一樣 對健康有害,跟笨同事一起工作所帶來 的壓力,可能引至心臟病發! 令工作壓力大增 瑞典林德伯格大學醫療中心的研究人 員說,壓力是心臟病發的頭號主因,而 每天跟笨人一起工作,是破壞性最大的 壓力模式之一。負責研究的安德列松表 示,他們研究了五百名心臟病病人,出 奇地發現六成二人生理上只有很少普遍 被認為能誘發心臟病的危險因素。 她說:「於是我們問及他們的生活習 慣,差不多所有低風險病人都說,他們 的同是蠢得幾乎連怎樣從停車場行往 2 與蠢人共事易爆心臟病 公司都不知道,而他們在心臟病發前不 足十二小時內曾受其中一個『蠢人』大 大刺激。」 一名女士因助手把要影印的重要公 司稅務文件放進碎紙機而被送到醫院。 另一男士因女同事不斷問他借塗改液去 「塗改」電腦螢幕上的錯字而在桌前病 發。 安德列松說:「你可以抽少點菸或 是改善飲食習慣,但大多數人處理蠢事 的技巧都很差 ─ 他們認為自己無為能力, 所以一味將不滿收藏心底,直到他們終 於忍不住爆發。」笨同事亦會令其他人 的工作量增加一或兩倍,她說:「很多 研究對象同情那些笨同事,所以嚐試替 他們糾正錯失。」 香港《東方日報》 2003 年 7 月 31 日
3 Locus of control Locus of control Machiavellianism Machiavellianism Propensity for risk taking Propensity for risk taking Type A/B Personality Type A/B Personality Left vs. right brain thinkers Left vs. right brain thinkers
4 Locus of Control The degree to which people believe they are masters of their own fate ( 自己命運的主宰者 ) Locus of control measurement Internals Externals Beliefs about whether a behavior will meet with a rewarding outcome
5 People who believe that they control their own fate
6 People who believe that external forces control their fate, such as luck or chance
7 See the connection Behavior Rewards One’s behavior is affected by the rewards Internals: Some people believe that through their behavior they can control the likelihood of receiving rewards
8 Behavior One’s behavior is not affected by the rewards Externals: Some people don't see as much link between their behavior and the likelihood of being rewarded Don’t see the connection
More motivated to achieve Greater attempt to control their environment More involved with job Seek initiatives Lower absenteeism Internals are more suited to jobs that require initiative and independence of action 9 Internals Suitable for...
More compliant and willing to follow directions Less satisfied with jobs More alienated from work Less involved with job More complaint Higher absenteeism Externals do well on jobs that are well structured and routine success depends heavily on complying with the direction of others 10 Externals Suitable for...
Degree to which an individual is pragmatic ( 務實的 ) maintains emotional distance believe that ends can justify means ( 為達目的不擇手段 ) 11 Machiavellian Test (MACH-IV)
Whether a Prince should be true to his words? It’s good to be true to your word, but you should lie whenever it advances your power or security – not only that, it’s necessary. 12
Politics is about one and only one thing: Getting and keeping power Political life can not be governed by a single set of moral or religious absolutes, unless being moral helps one get and keep power 13
Neglecting to share important information e.g., claiming to “forget” to tell you about key meetings and assignments” Finding subtle ways of making you look bad to management e.g., damning you with faint praise ( 明襃實貶 ) 14
Failing to meet obligations e.g., not holding up their end ( 未實 現他們 的諾言 ) on joint projects, thereby causing you to look bad Spreading false rumors about you e.g., making up things about you that embarrass you in front of others. 15
“Making your boss like you, and encouraging them to believe you are doing a good job, is as important as actually doing a good job." 16 British psychologist Oliver James
Conditions favoring high Machiavellianism people Direct interaction Minimal rules and regulations Latitude for improvisation 17
(Option A) A sure gain of $240 (Option B) 25% chance to gain $1,000, and 75% chance to gain nothing Option B: 16 %Option A: 84 % 16 Kahneman & Tversky (1984) 18
Option D: 87 %Option C: 13 % (Option C) A sure loss of $750 (Option D) 75% chance to loss $1,000, and 25% chance to loss nothing 19
In the 1 st scenario, taking Option (A), a sure win situation, indicates that: When given the opportunity to lock in profits, people tend to be conservative (loss aversion) ( 規避風險 ) 20
In the 2 nd scenario, taking Option (B), a not-so-sure to lose situation, People reveal a willingness to take more risk (risk seeking) if it means avoiding losses 21
High risk-taking Managers Make quicker decisions Use less information to make decisions Operate in smaller and more entrepreneurial organizations 22
Low Risk-taking (risk aversion) Managers Are slower to make decisions Require more information before making decisions Exist in larger organizations with stable environments 23
24 Physicians who are more risk aversive ordered 7.1 ± 0.9 tests Physicians who are less risk aversion ordered 4.2 ± 1.2 tests Tests & Therapy ordering
Always moving, walking, and eating rapidly Feel impatient with the rate at which most event take place Strive to think or do two or more things at once Cannot cope with leisure time Obsessed with numbers, measuring their success in terms of how many or how much of everything they acquire 25
Never suffer from a sense of time urgency and impatience Feel no need to display or discuss their achievements of accomplishments unless is demanded by the situation Play for fun and relaxation, rather than to exhibit their superiority Can relax without guilt 26
What does this dancer say about you?
Split-brain Patient “Joe”
Patterns recognition Patterns recognition Rhythm Rhythm Visual Visual Simultaneous processing Simultaneous processing Creativity Creativity Synthesis Synthesis Mathematics, logic, reason Mathematics, logic, reason Language, reading, writing Language, reading, writing Sequential process Sequential process Analysis Analysis 31
黃色 藍色 橘色 黑色 黃色 藍色 橘色 紅色 橘色 紫色 紅色 綠色 左腦與右腦的衝突 你的右腦試圖說出字的顏色 但你的左腦卻堅持念出字的本身 請念出字的顏色而非字本身 33
Prefer face-to-face communication Engage in “ real time ” exchange of information Synthesize soft and speculative information Seem to operate in a disorderly way and under constant interruption 34
Rely on judgment and intuition in making choices from among alternatives The managerial roles of leader, liaison, and disturbance handler are more of arts than science 35
36 OB related personality traits