The Multi- Paragraph Essay Essays made easy.
Introduction u Hello, this lesson will walk you through the multi-paragraph essay step-by-step.
Topics of Discussion u We will discuss: u Introductory paragraph u Body paragraphs u Concluding paragraph
Introductory paragraph n 1) Use a Lead n 2) Make a General Statement about your topic or a transition into your Thesis.
Intro.continued n 3) List three reasons WHY ***this is called the thesis-- it is always the last sentence of the introduction.
Intro. example n Example of “Charlie a hero?”, introduction: n 1) Many talk of the importance of heroes for young and old alike. n 2) And we wonder where can we find characters worthy of our respect? n 3) Charlie Gordon is heroic in his examples of courage, compassion, and tenacity.
Body paragraph n The body paragraph has a minimum of eight sentences: n 1) Topic sentence: which restates the 1st idea from the thesis. n 2) Concrete Detail: which gives a fact, specific, description, illustration, support, proof, evidence, quotation, paraphrasing, or plot reference.
Body paragraph n 3) Two Commentary: which gives your opinions, comments, insights, analysis, interpretations, inferences, personal responses, feelings, evaluations, explications, and reflections. n 4) Repeat CD & 2 CM n 5) Closing sentence: gives finished feeling to the paragraph.
Concluding paragraph n 1) Concluding transition: restate what you talked about in the essay (similar to the first sentence of the intro.) n 2) Reiterate your strongest point. n 3) Propose a solution or make a statement about your topic DO NOT INTRODUCE ANYTHING NEW!
Concluding paragraph example n Heroes like Charlie seem hard to find. n It is rare to find someone who has the courage to embrace eminent loss, the compassion to understand those who laugh at you, and the tenacity to lose it all and keep on trying. n We should all hope to be as smart as Charlie Gordon.