Pandemic Flu Tabletop Exercise (TTX) [insert date of exercise] Public Health – Seattle & King County [insert your agency logo]
Agenda Exercise Guidelines Introductions Exercise Overview Exercise Play Debrief
Exercise Guidelines Low-stress, no-fault environment Varying viewpoints are expected Respond to the scenario using your knowledge of current plans and capabilities Decisions are not precedent setting [Optional: Problem-solving efforts should be the focus]
Introductions Participants: [CBO/FBO staff] can be specific for a large organization such as administrators or IT Evaluator: [Insert individual’s name] Optional, you can invite a representative from another location to observe and provide feedback Facilitator: [Insert Individual’s name]
Exercise Overview [Insert Exercise Requirement/The Why] [X minutes/hour] exercise [Insert Name] Response Plan 4 Modules: Personal Preparedness/Readiness Communication Performing Critical Functions Continuity of Business Operations
Business Continuity Critical Functions Personal Preparedness & Communications
Objectives *Staff* Understand your personal level of preparedness at home, vehicle and with your family/friends/pets Understand your role, responsibilities and the organizational chart during a pandemic flu Know how you will conduct notifications and the communications procedures in an emergency Identify the primary services and critical functions of your agency in a pandemic flu scenario Understand the continuity of operations for your agency
Objectives *Executive* Understand your (and your staff’s) personal level of preparedness at home, vehicle and with your family/friends/pets Understand your role (and your staff’s), responsibilities and the organizational chart in a pandemic flu Know how you will conduct notifications and the communications procedures in an emergency Identify the primary services and critical functions of your agency in a pandemic flu scenario Understand the continuity of operations for your agency
It is late March and there are many suspected cases of a new strain of Influenza in King County Nationally, there are several areas of widespread activity Antivirals do not appear to be effective and a vaccine is not yet available
Scenario CDC has declared this to be a Category 5 pandemic Many local businesses are reporting up to 40% absenteeism, with some shutting down completely It is estimated that 20% of the local population has become ill
Module 1 Personal Preparedness
Module 1 Personal Preparedness *Staff* What are you most concerned about if you are in this emergency right now? How will you limit your exposure? Do you have alternate transportation if you utilize public transit? If you need (or want) to be isolated, do you have enough food for 72 hours? Do you have masks, gloves, cleaning items available? Do you have child care? Alternate options?
Module 1 Personal Preparedness *Executive* Are there agency policies, plans and/or engagement activities that support staff personal preparedness? Do you know if your staff has supplies needed for a voluntary isolation for 72 hours? Do have any training and education around communicable disease preparedness? Do you have supplies available for staff in your agency location?
Module 2 Communications
Module 2 Communications *Staff* Internal Communications Who would you communicate with if you are experiencing symptoms of the flu? When? How? How will you know if your site will be open if there is a pandemic flu? Do you know how decisions are made in your agency? External Communications Who are your stakeholders? What notifications are made?
Module 2 Communications *Executive* Internal Communications What information and sources are being used to make decisions? Is there a policy and procedure on how staff will be notified if the agency is closed? Who is responsible for ensuring this task is completed? What is the process if the staff member can not be reached?
Module 3 Critical Functions
Module 3 Critical Functions *Executive* What are your critical services? What are your secondary services? What are your non-critical services? Based on this scenario with 40% absenteeism, what resources are available and what critical services can you provide? Which will not be provided? How will organizational leadership make these decisions?
Module 3 Critical Functions *Staff* Do you know your agencies critical services? What is your role in supporting these critical services? Do you know your agencies non-critical services?
Module 3 Critical Functions *Executive* External Communications For the services that are not being continued, are there resources where you can refer clients? What are the elements of the message you are communicating to your clients? Who has final approval of the message? How will you communicate this message out to clients? How will you deliver critical information to the people you serve in the languages they understand?
Module 4 Continuity of Operations
Business Continuity Plan - documented procedures that guide organizations to respond, recover, resume, and restore critical functions following disruption Module 4 Continuity of Operations
Module 4 Continuity of Operations *Staff* Do you have a business continuity plan? Who is the decision maker if the director is not available? Do you have an alternative work location identified?
Module 4 Continuity of Operations *Executive* What does the organizational structure look like in normal operations? How will that change when only critical functions are offered? What are your position specific responsibilities?
What are the triggers for activating the business continuity plan? Who has the authority to activate the plan? Who is responsible for the recovery effort? What are the triggers for returning to normal operations? Module 4 Continuity of Operations *Executive*
Module 4 Continuity of Operations *Staff & Executive* Staff Concerns Are staff cross trained? Are there prearranged agreements to have contractors? Are functions distributed between multiple sites? What staff are needed to carry out the function? What special skills and expertise do they require? What is the minimum number of staff required?
Module 4 Continuity of Operations *Staff & Executive* Building Requirements Do facility’s procedures need to be modified? What specialized equipment and/or tools are required? Are staff able to work from home? At alternate work locations?
Optional: [Insert] Local Example Any examples from the 2009 H1N1 incident and how it impacted your operations? Staffing? Lessons learned?
Debrief Questions Lessons Learned Improvement Plan