Writing a Literary Analysis Essay on Characterization and Theme – Your assignment is to write an analytical essay about the effect of character interaction in the play Antigone. – Choose a character whose words, actions, or ideas contrast with Creon’s character. Explain how those conflicting motivations contribute to Creon’s development as a tragic hero and how the character interactions develop themes of the play.
Literary Analysis Essay Outline I. Introduction – In the play Antigone by Sophocles, the character interaction is pivotal to Creon’s development as a tragic hero and the illustration of theme(s). II. Character whose words, actions, or ideas contrast with Creon’s character. – You will develop this paragraph to illustrate the character interaction. III. Explain how those conflicting motivations contribute to Creon’s development as a tragic hero. – This paragraph will focus on how those interactions keep Creon from “seeing” that he is misguided. Remember that Creon has a lot of prejudices (ageism, parental ideas, misogyny, social status, he thinks everyone can be bought, he thinks anyone with a different opinion is stupid, etc.) IV. How do these character interactions develop themes of the play? – This paragraph will focus development of themes. How do these interactions support a theme throughout the play?
Introduction In the play Antigone by Sophocles, the character interaction is pivotal to Creon’s development as a tragic hero and the illustration of theme(s). When Creon interacts with ______________ their conflicting motivations blind Creon to his misjudgments which contribute to his downfall. The theme(s) of __________ and ___________ are also emphasized and revealed as these characters struggle to stand up for their beliefs.
Rubric for Literary Analysis Essay Scoring Criteria Exemplary IdeasThe essay thoroughly examines the effect of character interaction on theme; accurately analyzes characterization, including another character’s role (such as a foil) in the development of a tragic hero; smoothly integrates relevant evidence, including details, quotations, and examples. StructureThe essay uses an effective organizational structure with a logical progression of ideas; introduces the topic engagingly, links supporting ideas, and provides a thoughtful conclusion; uses appropriate and varied transitions. Use of Language The essay uses precise language and variety of sentence structures; maintains an academic voice and objective tone; demonstrates command of conventions with few errors in grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.