March 31, 2016 Laws, Clauses, Cases Objective: To informally assess student understanding and knowledge of UNIT V vocab, cases, clauses and legislation
REVIEW 1.Classroom Setup: – Sit next to your teammate, across from your opponents. There will be a few groups that have 3 people competing against 2 people if we have odd numbers. DIRECTIONS: 1.On the board, you will be presented with a law, clause, or case you need to define within seconds. 2.A point value will be assigned to each term. (1-5 pts) 3.At the end of seconds, you will trade your paper with the person across from you and grade what s/he wrote. 4.If you get the term correct you will receive the point value 5.In addition, you will receive 1 point for a VICTORY if one person is correct and the other is incorrect. 6.The groups facing the grading wall will move clockwise after 3 laws, clauses, cases. QUESTIONS?
Laws, Clauses, Cases 1.Engel v. Vitale (3 points) – Prohibited state-sponsored recitation of prayer in public schools by virtue of Amendment One’s establishment clause 2.Wesberry v. Sanders (3 pts) – Ordered House districts to be as near equal in population as possible. 3.Shaw v. Reno (4 pts) – No racial gerrymandering; race cannot be the sole or predominant factor in redrawing legislative boundaries; majority-minority districts. 4.U.S. v. Lopez (4 points) – Gun Free School Zones Act exceeded Congress’ authority to regulate interstate commerce.
Laws, Clauses, Cases 5.Griswold v. Connecticut (4 pts) – Established right of privacy through 4 th and 9 th Amendments. Set a precedent for Roe v. Wade. 6.Establishment Clause 1st Amendment (3 pts): – Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. 7.Due Process Clause 14th Amendment (4pts) – … nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. 8.Hatch Act, 1939: (2 pts) – Limits political activities of civil service employees.
Laws, Clauses, Cases 9.Title IX of Education Act of 1972: (4 points) – Prohibited gender discrimination in federally subsidized educational programs. 10.Freedom of Information Act, 1974: (3 points) – Allows public access to non-classified federal documents. 11. Welfare Reform Act of 1996: (5 points) – Ended federal entitlement status of welfare. – In its place, federal govt. gave block grants to states to administer welfare. – “Strings” attached to these grants: – Recipients must work within 2 years. – Recipients cannot receive benefits for more than 5 years. 12.“Motor Voter Act” 1993: (2 points) – Requires states to allow people to register to vote when applying for a driver’s licenses applications or completing license renewal forms.
Laws, Clauses, Cases 13. Loving vs. Virginia (4 pts) – Struck down Virginia law that banned interracial marriage 14. War Powers Act (2 pts) – If the president sends troops overseas he must: notify Congress w/n 48 hours, Withdraw troops within days (UNLESS Congress authorizes additional time) 15. Commerce Clause (2 pts) – Congress has the power to regulate commerce with foreign nations, interstate, and with Indian tribes. 16. Ex Post Facto Clause (3 pts) – Congress may not pass a law that punishes a person retroactively, i.e., after the fact.