The Crisis in Democracy in the West 1919 – 1939
Aftermath if WWI After World War I, western nations worked to restore prosperity and ensure peace. At the same time, political and economic turmoil in the 1920’s and 1930’s challenged democratic traditions and led to the rise of powerful dictators.
The Depression long-term causes Huge debts from WWI. European dependence on American loans. Widespread use of credit. Overproduction of goods while demand was falling. Rising wages for industrial workers while farmers’ wages were falling.
Depression – intermediate causes New York stock market crash ruins investors who have borrowed and speculated on credit. Farmers purchased large machinery on credit and can’t make the payments. American loans to other countries dry up. Without capital, businesses and factories fail.
Worldwide Economic Depression Immediate effects Vast unemployment and misery. Growth of economic nationalism, with tariffs imposed to protect industries. Loss of faith in capitalism and democracy. Authoritarian leaders gain support.
World Depression Long-term effects Nazis take control in Germany. Fascist leaders win support in Eastern Europe. Governments experiment with social programs. People blames scapegoats for economic woes. World War II starts.
Fascism in Italy Angered by unfulfilled foreign policy goals and facing political and economic turmoil at home, many Italians turned to Benito Mussolini and fascism. Mussolini’s fascism was rooted in extreme nationalism, action and discipline. As II Duce, Mussolini established a totalitarian system in which the needs of the state took precedence over all else.
How he came to power Italy’s problems - Unemployment- Decline in trade –Rising taxes- weak and divided govt. What did he promise? –To revive the greatness of Rome –To end corruption and turmoil
Mussolini’s Economic Goals He desired economic growth and conflicts between owners and workers. To achieve these goals, he brought the economy under state control. He allowed representatives of business, labor, and government to control various activities Made strikes illegal.
Mussolini’s Social Goals The individual was unimportant except as a member of the state. Women were valued as wives and mothers, but nothing else. Shape the young with strict military discipline so they would be ready to to back Mussolini’s drive to expand Italian power.
What is Fascism? Single-party dictatorship State control of economy Police spies and state terrorism Strict censorship and government control of media Use of schools and media to indoctrinate and mobilize citizens. Unquestioning obedience to single ruler
Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany
Germany’s Weimar Republic was weakened by coalition governments, opposition from both the left and right, and economic crisis. Many blamed it for the Versailles Treaty. Hitler and his Nazi government used terror, repression and one party rule to establish a totalitarian state. Poverty, ethnic conflicts, and lack of democratic traditions helped fascism gain inroads in Eastern Europe as well.
Failures of the Weimar Republic & the Rise of Hitler Under this republic, Germany had political disunity and economic disaster. People blamed the government for the Versailles treaty Therefore, many people willingly turned to Hitler to restore German greatness.
How Hitler created a one- party dictatorship He suspended civil rights Destroyed the communists Disbanded other political parties
Ideas of Nazi’s Racial – The promoted extreme anti- Semitism. Nationalism – They promoted the idea of a master race that would dominate Europe for 1,000 years.