Agenda item 9.2 On any difficulties or inconsistencies encountered in the application of the Radio Regulations (non-ESOMPS)


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Presentation transcript:

Agenda item 9.2 On any difficulties or inconsistencies encountered in the application of the Radio Regulations (non-ESOMPS)

Overview consider and approve the Report of the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau, in accordance with Article 7 of the Convention: 9.2 on any difficulties or inconsistencies encountered in the application of the Radio Regulations* * This agenda item is strictly limited to the Report of the Director on any difficulties or inconsistencies encountered in the application of the Radio Regulations and the comments from administrations.

Australian Position >Australia supports measures to address any difficulties or inconsistencies encountered in the application of the Radio Regulations. >There was no APT Common Proposal to WRC-15.

Discussion >This is a standing WRC agenda item >Difficulties and inconstancies experienced by the Radiocommunication Bureau, or brought to its attention by administrations, are included in the Director’s Report >Conference is invited to address Issues as it sees fit >Divided into satellite issues, non-satellite issues and issues directly related to other Agenda items >Generally non-controversial >Outcomes are included in the minutes to the meeting of the plenary

Issues >Some contributions raised issues not relevant to the Director’s report >Concern that AI 9.2 was being used to sneak issues into the conference that were not formally agreed as Agenda items >Resulted in a footnote being added to agenda item 9.2 >ESOMPs/ESIMs was considered an exception for WRC-15 only

Outcomes for Australia >The Australian objectives was achieved for this Agenda item Outcomes for Australia >In the lead up to and at future conferences delegates should monitor submissions and activity under Agenda item 9.2. This will assist in determining if rogue issues are being considered that should not be.


Overview >ESOMPs  Earth Stations on Moving Platforms. >ESIMs  Earth Stations in Motion. >WRC-15 reviewed options to support the use of ESOMPs/ESIMs under an FSS allocation in the GHz and GHz bands in all three regions. >Originally proposed under AI 9.2. >Separated into its own AI at WRC-15.

Australian Position >Acknowledged global/regional interest in issue. >Australia could accept WRC-15 considering regulatory changes (limited to and GHz) to allow ESOMPs/ESIMs under the following conditions: >protection of existing services, and current applications within those services, must be addressed; >Use must be communicated to BR via appropriate class of station; >Must not produce more interference or claim more protection than the case where only fixed earth stations are authorised for operation. >Australia does not support arrangements developed in GHz being directly applied to other parts of the Ka-band. This should be considered under a new agenda item at WRC-19.

Australian Position / APT >No APT common proposal or common position developed. >Australia agreed with the four principles developed by APG15-5 as a common view (Document APG15/OUT-23). >The principles are to take into account: >RR No and RR No for the bands GHz and GHz and the requirement to protect terrestrial services; >the requirement to protect the fixed-satellite service; >the nature of the ESOMP to operate on land vehicles, on aircraft and on vessels, for which there is no established coordination procedure; and >the interference management aspects, should the operation of the ESOMPs cause interference.

ESOMPs/ESIMs - WRC-15 >Initially attached to AI 9.2. >Concerned raised that Agenda item 9.2 was being used as a back door for the consideration of issues not originally on the agenda for WRCs. >Decision consider ESOMPs/ESIMs as a stand alone issue. >“Special case for this conference only, explicit recognition that it did not set a precedent for future WRCs. No changes to be made to Article 5 of the RR.”

ESOMPs/ESIMs - WRC-15 >US and UK the main proponents. >Iran, Australia and ASMG also vocal. >Generally good will to progress the issue from all countries. >Change in terminology ESIMs instead of ESOMPs. >Discussion on whether to resolve via modification to RR or develop a new footnote. >ASMG wanted provisions to ensure fixed service, under footnotes No and RR No , were adequately protected. >ASMG wanted text ensuring ESIMs could be limited to the territory of authorising administrations. >Australia queried whether the changes would apply retroactively or if satellite networks would need to go through the normal coordination process.

ESOMPs/ESIMs - WRC-15 >The issue of not affecting existing allocations was resolved by creating a new footnote that was attached to the existing Primary FSS allocation in GHz and GHz. >Resolution COM5/2 of the Final Acts was developed and specifies conditions that ESIMs communicating with the GSO FSS shall operate under. Specific conditions for protection of the FSS and FS. >Once the new footnote and Resolution COM5/2 of the Final Acts come into effect, administrations will be able to indicate their intention to operate ESIMs as elements of an FSS networks by including a reference to the relevant class of station in filing information submitted to the Radiocommunications Bureau.

ESOMPs/ESIMs - WRC-15 >FSS networks intending to deploy ESIMs, are required to be coordinated and notified in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 and 11 of the Radio Regulations, so as to address potential interference between networks and other services allocated in the band. >The criteria to be used in establishing the requirement for coordination are those that already apply to the FSS

ESOMPs/ESIMs - WRC-15 >Offline discussions with the BR on how the new arrangements would be implemented revealed: >The BR will link the UC class of station to the new footnote, this may require a modification to the definition of UC. >Once the footnote comes into effect interested parties will be able to submit filings using the new arrangements. >A Circular Letter will be released at some point to notify administrations of the new arrangements and any other relevant information.

Outcome for Australia >The Australian objectives for this item were achieved, in particular regarding measures to manage interference with already deployed FSS networks. Follow-up Action >The Australian objectives for this item were achieved, in particular regarding measures to manage interference with already deployed FSS networks. >Monitor WRC-19 Agenda item 1.5. WRC-19 Agenda item 1.5. >Ensure that possible ESIM arrangements in GHz (space-to-Earth) and GHz (Earth-to-space) bands consider the specific protection requirements for the FSS and FS in these bands.