Process of Assessment Based National Dialogue in Indonesia Bangkok, 15 October 2012
Key findings from the ABND Scattered social proteciton schemes and programmes; Limited benefits; Limited social security coverage for formal workers; Almost no social protection scheme for informal economy workers; Lack of law enforcement;
GDP (2020): 0.76 to 2.07%
Substance or Process?
Assessme nt Matrix Costing recommend ations Final report Endorsement of recommendations and costing tool Launching June Aug 2011 May-July 2012 Nov 2012 Hands on training costing tool Nov/Dec 2012 Sept March 2012 Process of the ABND in Indonesia International Labour Conference: the 2012 Recommendation 202 on SPF Limitation?
Who are involved? Government officials: Planning and Development Ministry of BAPPENAS (Leading office), Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration, Ministry of Social affair, Ministry of Health and Statistics Bureau; Employers organization: APINDO; Workers’ organization: KSBSI, KSPSI, KSPI; UN Agencies: Sub-working group on Social Protection, UN Women, UNAIDS, UNICEF and WHO; Academia: PGSD, University of Indonesia; NGOs: People with disabilities Social Security Service Providers: Jamsostek, Askes Regional government (Decentralization): Lead by regional planning office (Bappeda)
Where the process take place? National level -Awareness raising on the SPF (Indonesian Job Pact/ DWCP) -Advocacy/ Bilateral meeting (Vice President office/ TNP2K, Bappenas/ G20 framework) -Consultative meetings (Finalization of Assessment) -Validation workshops -Regional Knowledge sharing workshop (taking other international experience); -Technical/ Endorsement meeting Provincial level (Maluku, NTT and East Java Province) -Awareness raising on SPF; -Consultative meetings (Assessment finalization); -Validation workshops; -Follow-action meeting (Courtesy and follow up meeting with Regent for the implementation of SWS)
Why the process matter? (Lesson learnt) 1/3 Building its relevance to the country’s priorities on social security system development; in term of costing (financing), strategies for coverage extension (informal economy workers): SJSN (National Social Security System) and BPJS (Social Security Service Providers) and Poverty Reduction Programme; Involving from the beginning all relevant stakeholders of government, workers’ and employers organization, NGOs and academia Ownership, endorsement and sustainability; i.e. Maluku and East Java Provincial Government earmark their budget for the implementation of SWS, Jember district put the SWS approach as their poverty alleviation strategy.
Why the process matter? (Lesson learnt) 2/3 Involving UN working group (on Social Protection) and as much as possible relevant stakeholders in consultative meeting help to address the cross-cutting issues in the SPF assessment and to get input and clarification effectively, even for further technical cooperation; Identifying lead agency/ ministry to lead the process and “buy-in” the end result is a key to endorse the assessment as country strategic policy strategy;
Why the process matter? (Lesson learnt) 3/3 Media strategy (media release, media briefing and interview, radio and TV programme and op-ed) influences public debate and policy development; Unified service proposed for social protection program The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | National | Thu, December With duplications in social-protection programs delivered by different governmental agencies, developing a single-window service for the programs’ beneficiaries was critical to ensure their effectiveness, experts have said.
Limitations? Participatory VS deadline extension of the SPF report launch? – To accommodate more feedback; Reservation of the point of view that the SPF encourage informality instead of the other way around; How to in line the SPF exercise to the current social security development programme;