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Who is? The owner of Sitetalk more than 120,000 shareholders The shareholder and theire web shops have created a big amount of money. The world fastest growing community Competitor to More than 1,100,000 users in the world 15,000 to 25,000 users are joining every day Started in 2008 (2009) HQ in Singapore Join Now
Does anybody here knows how much money they make? €/year (thirty billion) Unaico/Sitetalk really want to make that to. Join Now
Do you want to know how Facebook make this money? So…You do the work for them… And You do for free?? Join Now
Sitetalk (Unaico) will now change that…. Sitetalk wants now that You who do the work will earn money on it Alot of money…and easy Would you like to know what Sitetalk wants you to do? Join Now
Sitetalk wants you to do the same thing as you allready do on Facebook. But what do we do on Facebook? We chat with our friends. We add a comment We add a photo album We ”press” the ”Like” button We play games Maybe we shop something from the advertisers and much more Join Now
We do another very important thing for Facebook??? We RECOMMEND Facebook to our friends Join Now
If we now do the same thing for Sitetalk as we allready did for Facebook…. And RECOMMEND Sitetalk to our friend. We will then earn money… and maybe alot of money! We chat with our friends. We add a comment We add a photo album We ”press” the ”Like” button We play games Maybe we shop something from the advertisers and much more Join Now
Do you wanna know how much money you can earn? You can earn up to 12,500 EURO per Week!!? Join Now
To earn money through this campaign, starts now on 19th March with its first payment!!! And from now on we will make money every week Join Now
What does it take to earn up to 12,500 €/week You have create an account on Sitetalk through recommendation from a Sitetalk member You have to update your profile to 100% (minimum 50%) on Sitetalk From the start you have to log in to your Sitetalk account 1 time per week. and Recommend Sitetalk to your friends…. Join Now
Sitetalk/ Unaico membership. Sitetalk member (free) Basic member (149 €) Bronze member (500 €) Gold member (2000 €) Earning points/BV who can be used for shopping on Sitetalk or to buy an upgrade. From the beginning of the campaign they will earn BV from their direkt sponsord members. Earning points/BV who can be levied in money Join Now
What are points or BV (Businessvolume)? You as a member will have 1 BV per week for each Active Sitetalk users that you and your friends and your friends' friends endlessly has recommended in to Sitetalk. NOTE: YOU have to be active yourself otherwise you will get no BV:s. You will also, but only for 1 week have BV if you recommend someone to upgrade itself, (after that you get 1 BV / week because they are active in Sitetalk). The following points BV do you then get: 149 BV for Basic Member 500 BV for a Bronze Member 2000 BV for a Gold Member Your BV:s must be used within 3 months Join Now
This is how our BV will be developed Join Now
Some tips how to Recommend that will make miracle to our network tree 1. Talk to your friends and get them also to understand Sitetalk and that they should talk to their friends. 2. Put a text on your Facebook page. 3. Sponsor someone who has a blog or website 4. You can have a copy of this presentation and then You can give presentations to your friends. 5. Leave a "Sitetalk" business card. 6. Bring your friends or friends of friends here to Singleton Solutions office we will run this presentation each week on Fridays at: in many weeks to come. Join Now
Get your own "Sitetalk" card Talk to me, I'll arrange it for you. You can bye them form me for the netto price Front sideName side Join Now
How does it come that Sitetalk so easily let a (Gold) Member earn up to € a week? 1.They would, just like Facebook also earn 30 billion a year, and they will do that when they get 500 million users. 1.They have a lot of money as more than shareholders paid in and the capital will now be used and given out to those who do the job, ie YOU. 3. When Unaico let Sitetalk's members make money in this way, it will be cheaper than buying major worldwide advertising campaigns. Imagine what it would cost? and SiteTalk do not think they will succeed in recruiting Sitetalk Members with one or even several such global campaigns... I mean, why should you change to Sitetalk when you already have Facebook??? 1.They also expect that many Sitetalk members will upgrade to Gold and then they get more money so that you can continue to earn money with this campaign But SiteTalk will not have this campaign for ever but... Join Sitetalk NOW! (and then help your friends) Join Now
How do you do when you want to help a friend in to Sitetalk? 1.As Sitetalk member: ask your friend to fill in their registration on When your friend has registered, then tell your friend to log in to her/his Sitetalk account on and with their own login info. After this, your friend are also ACTIVE. Now your friend can do the same, ie ask his/her friends to sign up for themselves by registering on Join Now
This is how an Optimal start (4 friends) looks like.. Join Now
How will you do to make an Optimal start? Join Now
When they did so... Then your network tree will look like this... Now you'll ask your first 2 friends to sign up on Join Now
Then do the following Log in to your Unaico portal you have it on Join Now
You will come to this page Then click the 'button' Login Join Now
And you will come to this page And now you have to fill in your login info and then click on the login button Join Now
And you will come to this page Now you click on ”Genealogy" and then select ”Network Placement Sponsorship” Join Now
And you will come to this page Then click the right "check box" and then the click on ”Enter Network Placement" Join Now
Now you have changed the system so you can ask your other two friends to register on Now they will end up in your right leg... Join Now
Like this :-) Now you have your Optimal start Join Now
If you dont do that change here…. Join Now
It will look like this :-( Join Now
If you want to help more friends? build your network tree like this… Join Now
Thank you! and Welcome back with your friends Join Now