A History of Ideas in Science Education Ch 4: The Reorganization of Science Education
I. Introduction Coordination of secondary and college programs continue. College entrance exam created as an outgrowth of program coordination. More flexibility built into entrance exams reflecting change. Debate about the practicality of secondary education continued.
II. The Commission Education needed to keep pace with society. Current curriculum geared toward developing general intellect. Current curriculum needed to serve the masses. Secondary education should benefit the “whole person”
III. Science Committee Science representation was in the minority. 4 subcommittees: general science, biology, chemistry and biology Defended the usefulness of science in the curriculum. Science education contributes to the educated consumer.
a. Goals of Science Education To benefit society through its consumers. To foster an appreciation for the world. To encourage students to pursue careers in science. To foster scientific thinking.
b. Recommendations for Science Education The 1 st essential question??? Application of acquired knowledge demonstrates understanding. –The purpose of the lab component –The importance of student interest
IV. Reactions to Reorganized Science How much information is appropriate. Back to basics Limit science to students’ current experience. Teach only “stuff” they can use in their daily lives. How do we know what course their lives will take? Should everything taught be visible now?
V. Summary Different faces same debate. Only teach what is relevant. Is relevance relative?