Social, Economic or Political? Education Act Tariff Reform Lib-Lab Pact Chinese SlaveryLicensing Act Boer War Taff Vale Case
Did they weaken the Conservatives or strengthen the Liberals? Education Act Tariff Reform Lib-Lab Pact Chinese SlaveryLicensing Act Boer War Taff Vale Case
How should an A grade essay look? Aims Know the features of a strong part a essay Understand how to improve your essay- writing Be able to critically assess your essay against examiners’ criteria
Outcomes ALL Show an improved understanding of the essay technique MOST Independently work out exactly how to improve your own essay SOME Demonstrate improved skills of explaining / linking
Describing (D grade) Explaining (C grade) The tariff reform campaign was introduced by Joseph Chamberlain and planned to place lower tariffs on good coming into Britain from the empire. This made the Conservatives unpopular and contributed to their defeat in The tariff reform campaign caused fears that_______. This policy therefore weakened the Conservatives in two ways as ____________________________________. It also strengthened the Liberals because __________.
Describing (D grade) Explaining (C grade) The tariff reform campaign was introduced by Joseph Chamberlain and planned to place lower tariffs on good coming into Britain from the empire. This made the Conservatives unpopular and contributed to their defeat in The tariff reform campaign caused fears that the new tariffs would result in lower living standards. This policy therefore weakened the Conservatives in two ways as it firstly alienated middle and working class voters who were worried about the effects of the tariffs. Secondly, it divided the party and the government. It also strengthened the Liberals because it brought new unity to the party through their belief in free trade.
Assessing the importance (B/A grade) Linking / connecting (A grade) The 1902 Education Act weakened the Conservatives because ___________________. However, the effects of this were marginal compared to the effects of the tariff reform campaign as ________ The Licensing Act and the Education Act weakened the Conservatives in a similar way because ____________. ‘Chinese slavery’ generated social debate and tension because ___________. It also exacerbated political tension because ___________________________
Assessing the importance (B/A grade) The 1902 Education Act weakened the Conservatives because non-conformists were unhappy at the thought of their taxes subsidising Anglican schools. They therefore turned their support to the Liberals. However, the effects of this were marginal compared to the effects of the tariff reform campaign as many non-conformists traditionally supported the Liberals anyway. The tariff reform proposals isolated a greater section of society.
Linking / connecting (A grade) The Licensing Act and the Education Act weakened the Conservatives in a similar way because both angered the non- conformists. They thought it unfair that the Education Act asked them to contribute taxes to Anglican Schools. They also disagreed with the Licensing Act as it gave compensation to brewers. ‘Chinese slavery’ generated social debate and tension because it questioned whether the government was morally right to treat people in this way. It also exacerbated political tension because British trade unions feared employers might bring them into Britain at a time of high unemployment.
The features of a strong answer Regular and direct links to the question Prioritise the factors Precise supporting facts Explaining connectives Phrases / connectives that link issues or factors together Use different colours to highlight these features in the A* answer P rioritised point E vidence E xplain and analyse L ink to another event / issue
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