Discovery Quarter Anna Swank
What are problems? Who has problems? Who solves problems? Why do you think it is important to learn a systematic way to solve problems? What are the steps you use to solve a problem with another person? (between two people and separately in as a team) When is it important to have a systematic way to solve problems with others? How do you see people address problems in ineffective ways?
Problems are troublesome issues that need immediate attention Problems do not involve interpersonal confrontations (conflict). People of all ages are required to solve problems. An effective Problem Solving System allows people to acquire, organize, evaluate, process, and interpret information in order plan and take action to solve a problem or reach a goal.
Wyoming Career and Vocational Content and Performance Standards Interpersonal Skills Information Systems Wyoming Language Arts Content and Performance Standards Speaking and Listening
Five Step Problem Solving System Notes THS Problem-Solving Contract (review) Green and Yellow Sheets from Jen’s Office “Path of Life” Adventure Curriculum Activities Stepping Stones, Corporate Connection, and Traffic Jam Problem Solving Challenges Team Stations Work
1 STOP Realize and define the problem. 2. LIST Brainstorm ALL options. 3. CHOOSE Choose the best course of action. 4. DO Put your choice into a plan and do it! 5. EVALUATION How did the plan work? What did you learn?
As a large group, make a 10 by 10 grid on the floor with blank pieces of white paper. You will have 5 minuets to accomplish this task. Go!
1. Students may help each other remember the correct squares, but only one student may try at a time. 2. Students may step forward, backward, left, or right, but NOT diagonally. 3. Every time a student moves to an incorrect ‘stone’, Anna will say ‘Buzz’ to indicate that the student made the wrong choice. 4. Every time a student chooses an incorrect ‘stone’, they will bend down, write down a behavior that knocked them off the ‘path of life’, and return to the end of the line. You must remember your beginning order as a group – Anna will Buzz you out if the group is out of order. 5. Anna will remain silent when a student chooses the correct stone. The student gets to choose again until they complete the journey on the ‘path of life’ or they make a wrong stone choice. 6. Anna may say ‘Pause’ in order to make sure that the correct path has been followed. At this time, she will need silence in order to concentrate on the path.
1. As a class, look at the ‘stone’ notes on the incorrect behaviors in the ‘path of life’ activity. 2. Either state how you felt about an event during the activity or finish the sentence “I am glad that I …” 3. What lessons did we learn by doing the activity that we can use with the next problem solving situation that we encounter?
I will be giving you directions when we get to our activity location. I will be looking for the attending skills, 6 P’s, Tribal Rules, Effective Group Work, and Problem Solving Skills. Remember to be assertive by getting your needs met while remaining in the Adult Mode! We have Three activities we will be doing – They will take a while. Use this time to SHOW ME that you know and chose to use your skills from Discovery. When I say ‘Go’ – head to the commons area.
1. In words (no more than one sentence) tell the group what happened. Everyone will have a turn, so please limit your description just one thing you observed. Describe behaviors, not feelings here. 2. Either state how you felt about an event during the activity or finish the sentence “I am glad that I …” 3. What lessons did we learn by doing the activity that we can use with the next problem solving situation that we encounter?
1. Get into pre chosen teams and come up with a group name: 1. Must be two words 2. First word must be a color 3. Second word must be an animal 4. On a piece of blank paper, one team member per group will write down the team name and team members. 2. Work as a team to solve each challenge using the five step system we learned. 3. Record team answers on the blank paper, making sure to label the challenge number and five steps.
To work toward perfecting the use of five step system. Teams will have five minuets at each station. Student teams will then move to the next station (in numeric order). There are seven stations total. Anna will be looking for use of the Tribal Rules for process points. Remember to observe all five! Good Luck – you will have two minutes to come up with a team name and label your paper. Begin Challenge at your first station NOW!