Using correspondence analysis: a tool for researching nursing informatics competencies Peter Kokol, Helena Blažun Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Maribor
Problem – Representing associations graphically EU Project GEROM Pilot execution of the study programme and evaluation of e-learning materials (Summer school Healthy living 2010) Three subjects and a questionnaire with 14 questions
The questioniarie 1.A variety of learning experiences are offered to help students meet the module outcomes; 2.The module would enable students learn what they had hoped to gain from it; 3.The learning would help students develop their analytical and problem solving skills; 4.The module would stimulate students’ enthusiasm for further learning; 5.The module would improve students’ confidence in tackling unfamiliar problems; 6.Module content was evidence based and related to your professional experience; 7.The module would develop students’ ability to work as a team member; 8.The module has provided the opportunity to make links with other professionals; 9.The contents of the module are interesting; 10.The contents of the module are at the appropriate level; 11.The number and nature of assessment(s) was clear; 12.The assessment(s) are related to the module outcomes; 13.There is clarity of information about assessment criteria; 14.There are a good range of references provided for students;
Factor analysis Factor analysis is a standard technique for describing relationships between variables in a low-dimensional space. However, factor analysis requires interval data, and the number of observations should be five times the number of variables.
Chi-square An analysis of contingency tables often includes examining row and column profiles and testing for independence via the chi-square statistic. However, the number of profiles can be quite large, and the chi-square test does not reveal the dependence structure. The Crosstabs procedure offers several measures of association and tests of association but cannot graphically represent any relationships between the variables.
Correspondence analysis I One of the goals of correspondence analysis is to describe the relationships between two nominal variables in a correspondence table in a low-dimensional space, while simultaneously describing the relationships between the categories for each variable. For each variable, the distances between category points in a plot reflect the relationships between the categories with similar categories plotted close to each other.
Correspondence analysis II Correspondence analysiss assumes nominal variables and can describe the relationships between categories of each variable, as well as the relationship between the variables. In addition, correspondence analysis can be used to analyze any table of positive correspondence measures
The SPSS database
Tle level of abstraction? The level of usability?
The AAL subject is most associated with the aspect that the student will learn what she has hoped for and the aspect of team working.
The Informatics subject is positively associated with stimulating students enthusiasm, clearness of nature of assessment and that the assessment is related to subjects outcomes.
The Ethics subject is positively associated with the ability of learning analytical and problem solving skills. The figure 2 also shows that none of the subject has large positive association with the variety of learning experiences to meet module outcomes, skills to improve students confidence to tackle unknown problems and interesting content of the subject
ICT Education in nursing In spite of rapid development of nursing informatics and all efforts presented yesterday by Helena we somehow notice that there is a lack of knowledge in information communication technology in nursing study programmes, especially in new EU bologna programmes which are more focused in the clinical practice and less to research, management and ICT skills. Even though nursing informatics is a specialty recognized by the American Nursing Association (2001), it has received limited attention also in US nursing education curricula.
ICT competencies in nursing I Findings (Tempelton 2009) trough literature search conducted using the terms "informatics competencies" and "nursing informatics competencies" via PubMeb and CINAHL (37 articles captured, six relevant) revealed that there is variation among published informatics competencies in regard to content, presentation, and audience and that a general list of competencies that can be utilized by nurses at all levels is needed.
ICT competencies in nursing II a recent study (Jette 2010) shows that, even if nursing students feel competent using informatics in nursing, they still lack important resources for developing ICT competencies A more specific study focused on nursing leaders (Westra 2009) and defined a very detailed list of 92 competencies (24 competencies addressed computer skills, 40 addressed informatics knowledge, and 28 informatics skills)
ICT competencies in nursing II European Tuning project ( ndex.php?option=content&task=view&id=1 93&Itemid=221) defined 40 generic and subject-specific competences for the nursing professionals among them one is specifically focused on ICT skills, and three which are closely relatedhttp:// ndex.php?option=content&task=view&id=1 93&Itemid=221
Tuning ICT related competencies 10 Ability to critically question, evaluate, interpret and synthesis a range of information and data sources to facilitate patient choice 11 Ability to make sound clinical judgments to ensure quality standards are met and practice is evidence based 22 Knowledge of and ability to apply technology and health care informatics 26 Ability to communicate effectively (including the use of technology): with patients, families and social groups, including those with communication difficulties. (including the use of technology): with patients, families and social groups, including those with communication difficulties.
ICT competencies At the Faculty of Health Sciences University of Maribor, because of the preparation of new harmonized Nursing bologna study programme we conducted a study in which we assessed the students perspective of which competences defined in the Tuning project they obtained and developed, focusing on ICT skills. The research study comprised of structured interview with 72 master students from nursing and health care management.
Student type and ICT Study process (Partime or fulltime)
Student type and ICT Student succes