ANALYTICAL ESSAY – Introduction Lecture 18
What is an analytical essay? Involves analysis – take a subject – break it into parts – examine the parts Explore a central idea or question based on a text(s) – breaking down the text into components – showing the relationship between arguments and overall ideas – moving beyond summary, description, or narration A type of research paper
What is a research paper? A research paper is the final product of a process: – research – critical thinking – source evaluation – organization – composition Like a living thing- grows and changes Primary and secondary sources are the heart – without these sources, it would be a different kind of paper e.g. an encyclopedic article Increase knowledge in a field
What is a research paper NOT? NOT a summary NOT a book report NOT an opinion piece NOT an expository essay – one's interpretation of a text – an overview of a particular topic
A research paper Requires time investigating and evaluating sources – offer interpretations of the texts – not summaries of those sources The goal of a research paper: not to inform the reader what others say about a topic Use what others say to offer a unique perspective
An analytical essay Responds to and examines ideas from a variety of texts – autobiography – journal articles – fiction/non-fiction/creative non-fiction – auditory/visual/tactile media Is based on a central idea – supported by evidence and examples Quotes and paraphrases always explained – not a list of quotes Show a clear connection of the evidence to the central idea Show a connection between parts Follow a logical order of thinking
Shows critical thinking – making inferences – interpreting evidence – comparison/contrast – synthesis – argumentation – analysis – problem-solving skills Demonstrates awareness of counter-argument Clarifies issues/shows why a simple resolution is not possible Demonstrates awareness of more than one perspective Shows a clear sense of audience and purpose Shows the writer’s own thinking process and a sense of originality, creativity, and voice
Put simply… 1.Separate out facts so the reader can understand easily 2.Discuss what these facts mean 3.Reach a conclusion based on the facts 4.Try to persuade the reader to agree
Some tips Simple – The reader should understand Concise – Get to the point Direct – Say what you mean (avoid euphemisms) Objective – Opinions must be supported – Don’t go where the facts don’t lead Verifiable – All facts must be supported with a reference.
Analytical Essay Review In-depth analysis of one particular topic or event Present information in factual form Use data and statistics along with the text Use of graphs to express visual data Be objective
Research web sites, journals, newspapers, videos State the facts and events as they happened Use figures and statistics The world’s current population of 7 billion is growing at an annual rate of 8% and is expected to reach 8 billion in the next two decades Reference the source of your information.
DISCUSSION QUESTION Why do you think there are more men than women who are CEOs and executives in companies? Do you think employers should be able to hire employees based on gender? Age? Religion? Nationality? Explain.
Possible Topic Ideas Economic Inequality between people Economic Inequality between counties Global Climate Global Hunger Global Quality of Life Global Lifespan Global Economy Global Education Global Employment Growth of PEPSI Co. Growth of Microsoft Corporation Growth of Apple Inc. Growth of Wal-Mart Growth of Coca Cola Growth of Google Growth of YouTube Economic Growth of China Population Growth of China The rise and fall of Haiti TATA Motors Schlumberger CISCO Systems Poverty in India Economic Growth of Saudi Rise and fall of Somalia Growth of Tim Horton's Global Warming Growth of Facebook Growth of Twitter Growth of Sri Lankan Economy Economic Crisis in America Growth of Mercedes Benz Growth of Soccer Economic Crisis in Nigeria Economic Growth of Germany Population growth of Nigeria Economic Growth of Japan Growth of the Tobacco Industry Economic Crisis in Greece Decline of IQ History of the gaming industry Growth of any Fortune 500 company of your choice. The Growth of General Motors Growth of DELL