By: Danielle Lynn and Meghan Hughes
We were trying to find out which was more popular; Junior Prom or Senior Ball, and whether the girls or the guys liked it more. Is Junior Prom or Senior Ball more important?
Population- Juab’s Juniors and Seniors Sampling Procedure- SRS, but then we changed to cluster sampling (lunch tables and class’s) Chosen Bias- Question wording, interviewer characteristics, (and sample size?)
Senior Guys Do you think Senior Ball is important? Is it appropriate for a girl to ask a guy to Senior Ball? How long of a date would be too long? Do you think the floorshow should be continued? Do you like the Senior Ball theme? How much time should a girl take to get ready? How much time does it take you to get ready? How much money would you consider spending on Senior Ball? What is the most you think the girl should spend on a dress? Senior Girls Do you think Senior Ball is important? Is it appropriate for a girl to ask a guy to Senior Ball? How long of a date would be too long? Do you think the floorshow should be continued? Do you like the Senior Ball theme? How much time should a guy take to get ready? How much time does it take you to get ready? What is the most you would spend on a dress? How much money do you think the guys should spend on the date? Junior Guys Do you think Junior Prom is important? Is it appropriate for a girl to ask a guy to Junior Prom? How long of a date would be too long? Do you think the floorshow should be continued? How much time should a girl take to get ready? How much time does it take you to get ready? How much money would you consider spending on Junior Prom? What is the most you think the girl should spend on a dress? Junior Girls Do you think Junior Prom is important? Is it appropriate for a girl to ask a guy to Junior Prom? How long of a date would be too long? Do you think the floorshow should be continued? How much time should a guy take to get ready? How much time does it take you to get ready? What is the most you would spend on a dress? How much money do you think the guys should spend on the date?
Put four pie charts of each survey group (biased guys, biased girls, unbiased guys, unbiased girls) For the points I did: yes=+1 point and no= -1 point. For the dress cost: -1 $250 is +1. Date length: -1 point >5 hours, 25minutes. Girls getting ready: hours. These apply to both guy and girl surveys
Add the points of the biased surveys together and the points of the unbiased surveys together.
Take the same graphs from step 2 and put them above mine
(interperate results, make inferance about your population) give numeric summeries?