M ASTER P IPES : A N EW D ESTINATION FOR F ITTINGS TO E ASE Y OUR L IFE Master Pipe Industries Ltd is the company that manufactures uPVC pipes, PPRC Pipes and fittings. We are a PVC pipe manufacturing company based in Pakistan. We do provide high quality in variety of products like PVC Pipes and Plumbing Pipes that are not only used in large projects but also liked much by our small scale consumers too.
PVC or the Poly Vinyl Chloride, is a type of polymer which is manufactured by the polymerization process and since its introduction, it has taken over role as a keen element in almost every industry. Be it raincoats, cables, bottles, credit cards or pipes, it has proved a strong replacement for Aluminum and Copper pipes.
The main advantage of PVC is that it is fire as well as water resistant. PVC pipes are strong as well as light weight. Due to its high durability, it has soon become much popular construction company as well. It is said that some high quality PVC pipes like we manufacture have lifetime of 40 years and in other applications like cable insulation can live more than 40 years.PVC pipes Plumbing Fittings
P LUMBING P IPES In addition to PVC pipes, we also manufacture uPVC Electric conduits. uPVC or the Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride is one form of PVC. PVC without plasticizers is known as uPVC. They’re best for plumbing pipes. It has all the properties of PVC like fire-resistant and water- resistant. The only difference between them is that uPVC is rigid, means they’re not flexible. Due to this property, it is used in many industries. We have been manufacturing such uPVC plumbing pipes since many years and it is being used in industries like Electrical Wiring System, Soil, Waste and vent pipes. plumbing pipes
PIPES FITTINGS It is best for plumbing pipes and fittings for residential houses, flats and multi- story buildings where as the master pipes are used for Deep Well Pumps, Tube wells, Sewage, Drainage, and Sanitary Plumbing. Apart from these our uPVC Electrical Conduits are also used in Agriculture, Green House irrigation, Air conditioning, and Horticulture too.
PVC pipe manufacturers
P VC TUBE Our company Master Pipe, a PVC pipe manufacturing company is a quality aware company. We have gained an IS-9001/2008 certificate and an honorable certificate from Pakistan Standards & Quality Control Authority (PSQCA) with PS-3051/1991= BS- 3505/1968. We have also earned approval from Public Health Engineering Department & Punjab Building Department.
PPRC PIPE We assure you of great quality products with an advanced and supportive customer services.
PIPES FITTINGS We have been providing personalized solutions to a cross-section of market for more than ten years. Our Master promise is always fulfilled by our employees and staff in form of our advanced technical support services. Our company, Master Pipe focuses on the various phases of Plastic Pipe system right from its development to distribution phase. We also do provide a complete water cycle solution as well as industrial applications.
For more information visit here:- Address: 3.5KM, Makkuana, Main By Pass Road Faisalabad-Pakistan Contact No: