1 March 14, 2008 Jong-Hyub CHOI Director General & CIO Information Policy Bureau
2 The Importance of an IP system Contents KIPO’s experience: KIPOnet Benefits of KIPOnet Global KIPO
3 The Importance of an IP System
4 Intellectual Property (IP) as the key to economic development in the 21st century’s information era. Intangible IP assets are supplanting physical resources as the engine of wealth creation and economic progress. Knowledge-based industries drive new markets and adds value. The Importance of an IP system Tangible properties Intangible properties - Computer, Aerospace, Pharmaceutical Industry, Finance and Insurance, etc.
5 IP automation infrastructures facilitating the creation, promotion and utilization of intellectual property. Competitive IP is the key to economic growth and development in a knowledge- based society. The promotion of intellectual property has become a major task for developed countries. Efforts in most developed countries are directed towards building effective IP automation systems. The Importance of an IP system
6 KIPO ’ s experience: KIPOnet -Introduction of KIPOnet -Services for internal customers -Services for external customers -Services for R&D institutions
7 A fully integrated IP automation system Customer-services available 24/7 Full automation of internal administration KIPO ’ s experience: KIPOnet A unified portal for public service 1. Introduction of KIPOnet Electronic handling of all kinds of IPR applications Push mail and Short Message Service (SMS) notifications Work-at-home system
8 1995: Established IP Automation plan - Three-years of development 1999: KIPOnet launched World’s first Internet-based e-filing system for patent application KIPO ’ s experience: KIPOnet 1. Introduction of KIPOnet 2001: Internet Gazette publishing began 2003 ~ 2004: KIPOnet upgraded to provide faster, more reliable and more convenient service 2005: PCT e-filing service launched 2006: 24/7 non-stop public service began Examiners work-at-home service also began
9 KIPO ’ s experience: KIPOnet -Introduction of KIPOnet -Services for internal customers -Services for external customers -Services for R&D institutes
10 Establishment of a paperless IPR administration environment Existing paper-based documents and applications (only 7% of total applications) are digitalized at KIPO’s Digitalization Center. In 2007, applications’ e-filing rate reached 93%. KIPO ’ s experience: KIPOnet Services for internal customers
11 A complete electronic management of internal IP affairs Examiners can carry out all their major tasks, such as application retrieval, prior art searches, and notice preparation through a single window. All reports are electronically approved. KIPO ’ s experience: KIPOnet Daily online publication of gazettes on patent applications and grants in PDF format. IP rights change-of-ownerships available online and up-to-date. Services for internal customers
12 Work-at-home service Examiners are enabled to securely connect to the KIPOnet system from their homes and remotely perform all their duties. KIPO ’ s experience: KIPOnet An innovative work system that facilitates the hiring of qualified examiners from distant locations and saves office space. For secure access to KIPOnet, Government Virtual Private Network (GVPN) and fingerprint identification system were introduced. Services for internal customers
13 Knowledge-based Management KIPO’s Knowledge Management System (KMS) KIPO ’ s experience: KIPOnet KIPO messenger - It facilitates the creation, updating, sharing, utilization and evaluation of both internally and externally generated knowledge sets. - It enables KIPO’s staff engage in real time file exchanges, communication in form of online chats, and also provides a mechanism for sending real-time notices to applicants. Services for internal customers
14 KIPO ’ s experience: KIPOnet -Introduction of KIPOnet -Services for internal customers -Services for external customers -Services for R&D institutes
15 24 * 7 public service KIPO ’ s experience: KIPOnet Online filing of all kinds of IP applications. Online viewing and retrieval of notifications by customers. Notification by push mail or SMS services of the legal status of applications. Online requests and issuance of various certificates. Services for external customers
16 IP information archive portal Domestic and foreign IP information is made freely available online for the public by KIPRIS. -It contains the Korean IP information from KIPO and IP information provided by major patent offices such as EPO, JPO, USPTO etc. Customized IP information are delivered daily by push mail to subscribers. -Push mail service can be sorted by classification system (IPC code, design classification, trademark classification) or external customers (applicant, patent attorney), etc. KIPO ’ s experience: KIPOnet * KIPRIS : Korea Industrial Property Rights Information Service Services for external customers
17 Transparent online disclosure of the procedures and results of civil petitions Applicants are informed of the progress of applications through the “My KIPOnet” service The “My KIPOnet” service also provides legal status information to law firms, enterprises and individuals who access the web. KIPO ’ s experience: KIPOnet It also supports the viewing and downloading of applications and examination information grouped by applicant, case, etc Services for external customers
18 High-quality services to other arms of Government A variety of IP administrative and legal information is made available to governmental organizations such as the Ministry of Public Administration and Security (MOPAS), the Ministry of Strategy and Finance (MOSF), and the Courts. -KIPOnet allows the general public to view the register of granted patents by connecting them to the administrative information sharing system of the MOPAS. -It also enables applicants to pay their fees online, to an MOSF account. -It also offers information on examinations and trials to Patent Courts KIPO ’ s experience : KIPOnet Services for external customers
19 KIPO ’ s experience: KIPOnet -Introduction of KIPOnet -Services for internal customers -Services for external customers -Services for R&D institutes
20 Infrastructures for the use of patent information KIPRIS Patent dispute map KIPO ’ s experience: KIPOnet Patent maps -It provides free patent information search services. -The results of categorizing or analyzing patent information in certain technical areas -Provides visual representations of technology trends and patent applications. -Provides the results of the analyses of patent lawsuits from major countries -Patent dispute maps of the US, Japan, and Europe are provided Statistical analysis of patent information -Encouragement of mutual usage of patent & industry statistics Services for R&D institutes
21 Promotion of the use of patent information for national R&D activities Investigation of patent trends for government-funded R&D projects KIPO ’ s experience: KIPOnet R&D IPR consulting center -Patent trend Analysis in planning R&D projects -Prior art searches in selecting R&D projects -Systematic management and evaluation of R&D projects -Consulting services for national R&D projects- -Visits each lab to consult on IPR Services for R&D institutes
22 Benefits of KIPOnet -Benefits from internal services -Benefits from external services -Benefits from R&D activities
23 Internal business cost savings due to KIPOnet KIPOnet brought about cost savings of over 290 million US dollars between1999 and 2005, by reducing gazette publication costs, saving space for preserving paper documents, and reducing examination pending period. Benefits of KIPOnet Area of Assessment Total Internal Business Cost Savings Administration Examination Total (Unit : US$ million) Benefits from internal services
24 Contribution to the reduction of examination pending period The average examination pending period in 1999 was 23.6 months. By 2005 it had reduced to 17.6 months and in 2007 it further reduced to 9.8 months. -The reduction of examination pending period was due to the automation by KIPOnet of the entire examination procedures and to the increase in the number of examiners. Benefits of KIPOnet Benefits from internal services
25 Improvements in the quality of examinations The examination error rate for patent applications dropped from 6% in 2001 to 1.5% in Benefits of KIPOnet Type Patent & Utility models Trademarks & Designs Benefits from internal services
26 Benefits of KIPOnet -Benefits from internal services -Benefits from external services -Benefits from R&D activities
27 Opportunity cost savings to external customers Benefits of KIPOnet Total , ,607.3 (Unit : US$ million) Customer Opportunity Cost Savings E-filing Computerized Search Total Area of Assessment On the customer’s side, opportunity cost savings thanks to e-filing and computerized IP search amounted to more than 2.6 billion dollars between1999 and Benefits from external services
28 Enhanced transparency of IP administration in KIPO With all IPR examination procedures available online, the public has better access to administrative information. Benefits of KIPOnet Benefits from external services Quick and accurate examination services are provided through the full automation of IPR administration.
29 Benefits of KIPOnet -Benefits from internal services -Benefits from external services -Benefits from R&D activities
30 Prevention of duplicated R&D investment Benefits of KIPOnet Rising the Efficiency of National R&D Activities Utilization of patent information in R&D is preventing redundant or duplicated investments -R&D institutions could reduce their R&D time by 26%and their R&D cost by about 28% with the use of customized patent services offered by KIPOnet. This has not only reduced R&D expenses, but also shortened R&D period.
31 Global KIPO
32 Since the launch of the KIPOnet in 1999, approximately 30 Intellectual Property Offices (IPOs) have benchmarked KIPOnet to modernize their own IP examination and administration system. Global KIPO Best practice recognized worldwide KIPO is providing technical consultation to several developing countries on office automation and is enhancing cooperation in IT with other IPOs and international organizations such as the WIPO and APEC.
33 In collaboration with WIPO, KIPO developed the PCT-Receiving Office Administration system, called PCT-ROAD in As of 2007, this system has been deployed in 18 countries around the world, including Israel, Egypt, Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia. Global KIPO PCT-ROAD has contributed to increasing the e-filing rate of international patent applications and decreasing the digital divide between developed and developing PCT member states. PCT-ROAD
35 Due to the increasing importance of Korean patent information, the Korean Patent Information Online Network - K-PION was launched in It provides examiners in other countries with a means of searching English translations of Korean patent documents including file wrapper information. Examiners of 35 foreign IPOs can view and retrieve Korean-English translations of Korean IP information and examination history. Global KIPO K-PION Service
36 Thank You Jong-Hyub Choi: