Central America & South America
Central America The seven countries located between Mexico and South America. – Guatemala – Belize – El Salvador – Honduras – Nicaragua – Costa Rica – Panama.
Economy This is an agricultural-intense region. Most of the population depends on farming for a living. – They are either growing their own food or working on large commercial farms or plantations.
Commercial Farming The growing of crops to sell for a profit. – They are often called plantations.
Price of the banana
Subsistence Farming The growing of crops to sustain, (feed), a family or community. If anything is left over it is sold so the family may buy other necessities. These people may also have animals or livestock. (Chickens, cows, goats, etc.)
Natural Disasters The people in this region must contend with volcanoes and earthquakes due to their location on the “Ring of Fire”, a fault line circling the Pacific Ocean. In addition, they must also face the possibility of hurricanes and tropical storms.
Conflicts Many of these countries have had civil war due to weak governments. Because of this the government must spend a lot of money on the military. The needs of the people are not being met. (Schools, hospitals, roads, power plants, etc.)
South America
South America- This continent contains 12 countries and one commonwealth. It is also the home of the Amazon Rain Forest, the largest rain forest in the world.
Colombia Like the capital of SC, this country is named after Christopher Columbus.
Exports- Goods shipped out of a country for sale in other countries. Imports- Goods that are brought into a country from other countries. – Coffee is its major cash crop and its major export.
Issues Colombia’s government is presently dealing with rebel, guerilla, (not gorilla), forces who desire to take over control of the country. This fighting is costing the government much of money. Guerrillas- Because they are often greatly outnumbered by government troops, these soldiers use “hit and run” tactics to disrupt government and military operations.
Colombia’s government is presently dealing with rebel, guerilla
US Involvement in Colombia Because Colombia is the primary source of cocaine and marijuana sold in the US, the US government has an interest in Colombian affairs. (What happens there affects Americans.) To fund their war against their government, the Colombian rebels accept money from drug lords.
US involvement In return, the rebels protect the production and exportation of drugs. The US gives the Colombian government millions of dollars each year to fight these rebel forces, thus making it possible for the Colombian government to go after the drug lords. (These drugs are also illegal in Colombia.)
Chocolate vs Drugs This US support is not appreciated by everyone in Colombia, (and other South American countries.) The “drug money” from the US supports many families and even communities, which depend upon the drug trade for their welfare.
Venezuela Because of its oil wealth, this is one of South America’s wealthiest countries. The US is their biggest customer. Former president and socialist. Hugo Chavez
Brazil South Americas largest country and also contains SA’s largest population. – Rio De Janeiro
Amazon Much of the northern part of Brazil is covered by the Amazon rain forest. The Amazon River is one of the world’s longest rivers. It actually carries more water to the ocean than any other river system.
Amazon River
Rain Forest issues Colombia’s government, in order to deal with its growing population, is encouraging people to move to the Amazon region and establish farms or lumber businesses. – Unfortunately this is also leading to the destruction of this rain forest, one of the major oxygen producing regions of the world.
The Great Dilemma South American countries contain vast natural resources, which are being used to develop new businesses and industries.
Problems One problem facing all the countries in this region is fast growing populations. The government simply cannot keep up with the demand for services, (jobs, schools, hospitals, housing, etc.) – For this reason, cities are becoming overcrowded and people are living in slums.
While there are new, modern cities, a large percent of the populations live in poverty.