{ CHINA Physical Geography
Where would you find the source of the Huang He River? In what direction does it flow? Where would you find the source of the Yangtze River? In what direction does it flow?
What major mountain range borders to the southwest? What desert borders to the north? In what regions would you expect to find China’s largest populations? Why?
In what climates would you expect to find the most precipitation? Why? Where would you expect the mildest climates to be? Why?
What climates would you expect to be the least habitable? Why?
Based on the above map, where would you expect to find China’s largest populations? Why?
Terraced Agriculture A series of hills that have been cut into flat platforms resembling steps. Why do they use it? Only about 10% of China’s land is arable. Crops need flat land Allows for the maximum use of a limited area Reduces erosion Maximizes sunlight
Where are the largest concentrations of China’s population located? How do physical features affect human settlement? How does climate affect human settlement?
What are some of China’s most plentiful energy resources and metals?
Balance of Trade: A country has a favorable balance of trade when their exports are more than their imports. Based on this information who has the favorable balance of trade, China or the U.S.?
Some of the largest economies in Asia are (1) fully developed with high standards of living and moderate growth. Others are (2) emerging with moderate to low standards of living and high growth. Place each of the five countries into either category 1 or category 2.