Brave Phone Hana Hrpka, psychologist president of NGO
non-govermental, non-profit organization founded in 1997 by Gordana Buljan Flander, Ph.D. Associate Professor VISION Society in accordance with the best interests and needs of each child. MISSION Brave Phone responses to the need for safety and security of each and every child. Brave Phone enables the voices of children to be heard and systematically works to prevent cruelty and injustice to children. all services = free of charge child participation in every program BRAVE PHONE
MEMBERSHIPS CHI (ChildHelpline International) CRIN (Child Rights Informational Network) ISPCAN (International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect) APSAC (American Professional Society for Abused Children)
RECOGNITIONS Academy for Educational Development (AED) - research conducted in 2006 about public attitudes regarding non- govermental organizations Brave Phone – 2nd most recognizable NGO in Croatia Balkan Epidemiological Study on Child Abuse and Neglect (BECAN), ,3% of children in Croatia know about Brave Phone Brave Phone was one of the founding members of ChildHelpline International in 2003 and is recognized for longstanding contribution towards streghtening and expanding child helpline network
PROGRAMS Brave Phone for Children Brave Phone for mums and dads E-counseling Children’s House Borovje Encouragement of Volunteer Work Counseling Center for Children and Parents „Family Power“ Let's hug everyone – empowering children in a foster- care Safer Internet – prevention of cyberbullying Children's Bord Peer-to-peer support
3 international projects in partnership with Terre des hommes: „Regional Resource Center for child protection in South Eastern Europe” “Developing capacities and offering support to frontline workers assisting refugees and migrants in the South Eastern Europe” „Right(s) Courts for Children”
BRAVE PHONE FOR CHILDREN always FREE of charge ANONYMOUS – children don’t have to reveal their personal information CONFIDENTIAL – calls don’t appear on home phone bill PROFESSIONAL – counsellors specially educated in phone counselling with children AVAILABLE – two lines, open Mon-Fri 9-20 after hours – answering machine with info about working hours and other possibilities of making contact (chat, , forum)
VOLUNTEERS - COUNSELORS psychology, pedagogy and social work students Initial training Guidance and mentoring in the beginning In –time supervision monthly supervision additional trainings each month monthly themes, library newsletter, volunteer parties constant support to volunteer development
Helpline interventions Counseling to children and/or concern adult Immediate referrals to social services, police, Child ombudsperson Child Protection Centre of Zagreb – formal interagency Agreements (Memorandum of cooperation only with police, challenge to sign with other institutions) Referred cases follow up Data collection – iCarol software sharing with relevant stakeholders, decision makers, child protection professionals, media- for raising public awareness)
Children's House Borovje included in the standards of good practice among 14 program models stated by the State Office for Protection of Family Program is focused on providing services to children in socially deprived local community Borovje aiming to prevent children’s unacceptable behavior and to strengthen their protective resources for protection of violence and abuse
Children's House Borovje activites Preventive workshops (consist of different fields of interest of children: foreign languages, dance, journalism, computers, art, literary, design, research, etc. Individual and group study help Speech practice with speech therapist Children are mostly from local community, coming on their own or referred from kindergartens, schools, centers for social welfare, mental health professionals… In the facilities is also Counseling Center for Children and Parents - working in partnership with local centers for social welfare
brochures and manuals research (in collaboration with Child Protection Centre of Zagreb) Education of volunteers and other experts (teachers, mental health professionals, parents,…) Interagency cooperation with social services, mental health institutions, schools, kindergartens, relevant ministries, child ombudsperson, media,… Networking on national and international level Raising public awareness campaigns Other NGO activities
We marked European Day on the Protection of Children against Sexual Abuse and Sexual Exploitation video „Tell Someone You Trust” coe-countries-mark-the-european-day-on-the-protection-of-children-against-sexual-abuse-and-sexual- exploitation&catid=12:usa-news&Itemid=78
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