Jeopardy Operant 1Operant 2 Classical 1Classical 2 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy Grab Bag
$100 Question from H1 What does extinction mean (in psychology)?
$100 Answer from H1 Ending of the learned behavior
$200 Question from H1 What is chaining?
$200 Answer from H1 Adding behaviors using operant conditioning.
$300 Question from H1 Getting something wanted after performing a learned behavior is called_________
$300 Answer from H1 Positive Reinforcement
$400 Question from H1 Why is driving a car best learned by operant conditioning?
$400 Answer from H1 Element of choice, too complex to learn through classical conditioning.
$500 Question from H1 Theorist responsible for Operant Conditioning
$500 Answer from H1 Skinner
$100 Question from H2 Removing something to strengthen behavior
$100 Answer from H2 Negative reinforcement
$200 Question from H2 In operant conditioning, There is an active _________ involved By the subject. This is different from the reflex Action of Classical Conditioning.
$200 Answer from H2 Choice
$300 Question from H2 Which one uses operant conditioning? Dogs jumping through hoops Drug overdose Feeling sad when a song plays Scratching your head when you hear about lice
$300 Answer from H2 Dogs jumping through hoops
$400 Question from H2 What is Generalization? Provide an example
$400 Answer from H2 Generalization refers to a process within conditioning, where a conditioned response (CR) starts occurring in response to the presentation of other, similar stimuli, not just the conditioned stimulus (CS). For example, a dog is trained to sit (CR) when you give the command, "sit" (CS). Soon after that, the dog might sit when you say "hit", "bit", and "kick". (Little Albert)
$500 Question from H2 In order for Punishment to be effective, what criteria must be met? (need at least 2)
$500 Answer from H2 Immediate Must match the behavior in intensity Must not be traumatic Must be consistent
$100 Question from H3 This is something that causes A subject to react
$100 Answer from H3 Stimulus
$200 Question from H3 When a dog salivates to a piece of Meat, the salivation is ___________
$200 Answer from H3 Unconditioned response
$300 Question from H3 When a Dog salivates to a bell, the bell is:______________
$300 Answer from H3 Conditioned Stimulus
$400 Question from H3 Which psychologist developed the ideas of classical conditioning?
$400 Answer from H3 Pavlov
$500 Question from H3 In the case of little Albert, he learned to be afraid of what?
$500 Answer from H3 Things white and fluffy
$100 Question from H4 Which has a stronger effect on Behavior- classical or operant Conditioning?
$100 Answer from H4 classical
$200 Question from H4 When a dog salivates to a piece Of meat, the meat is:__________
$200 Answer from H4 Unconditioned Stimulus
$300 Question from H4 The Bobo doll experinment showed that…
$300 Answer from H4 Aggressive Behavior is learned by observation
$400 Question from H4 Can classically conditioned behaviors become extinct on their own?
$400 Answer from H4 No- they won’t stop without therapy
$500 Question from H4 What is at the heart of all phobias, panic disorders and addictions?
$500 Answer from H4 Classical Conditioning
$100 Question from H5 Why is it easier to get a phobia to spiders easier than to doorknobs
$100 Answer from H5 There is a natural biological basis to spiders
$200 Question from H5 When you eat at a restaurant and become sick, what type of conditioning is it?
$200 Answer from H5 Classical
$300 Question from H5 If a child watches his parents fight and then beats up the dog, which psychologists theories are at work?
$300 Answer from H5 Bandura
$400 Question from H5 How is learning defined in psychology?
$400 Answer from H5 Actions resulting in a change of behavior
$500 Question from H5 When a response is reinforced after an unpredictable number of responses. This schedule creates a high steady rate of responding. Gambling and lottery games are good examples
$500 Answer from H5 Variable ratio reinforcement
Final Jeopardy What are two positive reinforcers used in school?
Final Jeopardy Answer 1.Grades 2.Praise 3.Suspension (for some) 4.Free time 5.prizes