UNIT 4 - AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT MOUNT ZION COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING UNIT 4 - AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT 4.1. Air quality standards 4.2. Air quality monitoring 4.3. Preventive measures 4.4. Air pollution control efforts 4.5. Zoning 4.6. Town planning regulation of new industries 4.7. Legislation and enforcement 4.8. Environmental Impact Assessment and Air quality MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4 CE6011 - AIR POLLUTION MANAGEMENT
MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4 4.1. Air quality standards The National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) are standards established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under authority of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.) that apply for outdoor air throughout the country. Primary standards are designed to protect human health, with an adequate margin of safety, including sensitive populations such as children, the elderly, and individuals suffering from respiratory diseases. Secondary standards are designed to protect public welfare from any known or anticipated adverse effects of a pollutant. A district meeting a given standard is known as an "attainment area" for that standard, and otherwise a "non-attainment area". MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.1. Air quality standards contd… MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.1. Air quality standards contd… MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.2. Air quality monitoring The ambient standards is applicable for only two areas viz. Industrial , Residential , Rural, and other areas Ecologically Sensitive Area Ambient air quality data generated under National Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Programme (NAMP) has been compared with revised national ambient air quality standards MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
National Air Quality Monitoring Programme (NAMP) 4.2. Air quality monitoring contd… National Air Quality Monitoring Programme (NAMP) N.A.M.P. started in 1984 with 7 stations in Agra and Anpara. Presently 424 operating stations in 175 cities/towns. Parameters being monitored SO2, NO2, RSPM (PM10), SPM at all stations. Trace Metals, PAHs, NH3 in few cities; BTX, Ozone monitoring conducted in Delhi and some major cities MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
National Air Quality Monitoring Programme (NAMP) 4.2. Air quality monitoring contd… National Air Quality Monitoring Programme (NAMP) NAMP – present scenario MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
NATIONAL AMBIENT AIR QUALITY MONITORING PROGRAMME (NAMP) NAMP NETWORK AT A GLANCE Existing stations (sanctioned) - 604 No. of States covered 28 No. of Union territories covered 06 No. of cities/towns covered 258 Operating stations 424 No. of states covered 26 05 175 Target on XIth five year plan 700 Target on XIIth five year plan 1000 Proposal Required for new stations (within next F.Y. 2010-2011 & 2011-2012) 150 Road Map to achieve target 2010-2012 604+150=754 2010-2011 604+75=679 2011-2012 679+75=754 MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.2. Air quality monitoring contd… NAMP Parameters Parameters monitored Criteria pollutants viz. PM10, SO2, NO2 monitored at all (424) locations Ammonia, CO, O3, PM2.5 and Lead monitored at few locations; Following parameters needs to be monitored: PM 2.5 Benzo(a)pyrene Carbon monoxide Ozone Benzene Metals MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.2. Air quality monitoring contd… Monitoring Programme for additional parameters of Ambient Air Quality for next two years ( 2010-2011 & 2011-2012) Sl. No Parameter Financial year Total Stations in two F.Y. 2010-2011 No. of Stations 20 11-2012 1. Sulphur dioxide (SO2) 75 150 2. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) 3. Particulate matter (PM10) 4. Particulate matter(PM2.5) 5. Ozone (O3) 10 11 21 6. Carbon monoxide (CO) 7. Ammonia (NH3) 8. & 9. Lead & Nickel (Pb & Ni ) 10. Benzene (C6H6) 11. Benzo (a) Pyrene (BaP), particulate phase only MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.2. Air quality monitoring contd… Capital and O&M Cost Financial Requirement for Strengthening the National Ambient Air Quality Network The fund requirement for additional parameters for two years: Rs. 4329.45 Lacs. The Financial Year wise break up is as below Financial Year 2010-2011 = Rs. 2139.5 Lacs Financial Year 2011-2012 = Rs. 2189.95 Lacs Operation and Maintenance cost for two years is Rs.2708.652 Lacs. The Financial Year break up is as below Financial Year 2010-2011 = Rs. 899.065 Lacs Financial Year 2011-2012 = Rs. 1809.587 Lacs MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.2. Air quality monitoring contd… Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations for Non- Attainment Cities Based on Air Quality data, 72 cities are non attainment cities, where the prescribed National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) are in exceedence; As per the directions of Hon’ble Supreme Court setting up of CAAQMS in 16 cities on 50:50 cost sharing basis Nine stations one each at Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Solapur, Bangalore, Agra, Kanpur Varanasi & Ahmedabad are in operation. Existing Kolkata station of WBPCB is upgraded. CAAQMS at Jodhpur be commissioned by December 2010; Remaining stations at various stages of tendering; CPCB spent Rs. 600 Lacs for CAAQMS project in 16 cities on 50:50 cost sharing basis. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Station/Network. 4.2. Air quality monitoring contd… Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Station/Network. Private Participation in the Management of CAAQMS Model- I:Operation Contract - All 12 stations (Cities covered: Delhi, Lucknow, Bangalore & Chennai) All are connected to Central Management units at CPCB Head Office, Delhi (Expenditure incurred: 11.25 crore) Model-II: Build Own & Operate (BOO) Contract (Cities covered: Ahmedabad & Mumbai) Under implementation MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.2. Air quality monitoring contd… Proposed expansion of CAAQMS in other Non Attainment Cities Estimated cost - CAAQMS Each station costs Rs. 110.00 Lacs; Of 72 Non Attainment cities, In 23 cities ongoing projects. Estimated Capital cost for remaining 49cities will be: 49X110 Lacs=Rs. 5390 Lacs; 12 SPCBs/PCCs proposed for Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations (CAAQMS) for 33 cities. The Capital cost for 33 CAAQMS installations will be Rs. 3630 Lacs. (on 50:50 cost sharing basis ) The annual Operation & Maintenance cost of each station will be borne by the respective SPCBs/PCCs The monitoring data of the CAAQMS will be available at SPCBs/ PCCs and CPCB website. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.2. Air quality monitoring contd… Issues on Ambient Air Quality Monitoring To achieve 700 stations as specified in XIth Five year plan, SPCBs to identify sites/parameters and the additional budget requirement ; In the next five years plan (12th FY plan).; the SPCBs/ PCCs may specify the location and cost requirement on 50:50 sharing basis; Calibrations of equipments/instruments: Training of manpower following quality assurance/quality control guidelines, following standardized methods, locating stations as per guidelines; MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.2. Air quality monitoring contd… Number of online stations to be established at residential and industrial sites; Data and Payment Certificates gaps: The ambient air quality data as well as payment certificates must be sent timely; For CAAQMS installed and in operation in, a standardized data transfer/processing system required for free flow of information. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.2. Air quality monitoring contd… Ambient Air Quality Monitoring: National Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Programme (NAAQM), Bangalore City The Board is monitoring ambient air quality of Bangalore city at 10 locations using manual equipments under National Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Programme (NAMP) covering Industrial Area, Mixed Urban Area and Sensitive Area. Further, the Board has established two Continuous ambient air quality monitoring stations (CAAQMS) one at City Railway station and other at Regional Office complex at S.G Halli. Monitoring is being carried out on 24 hourly basis for RSPM, SO2, NO2 and CO . MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.2. Air quality monitoring contd… Industrial Zone: Three ambient air quality monitoring stations have been set up in the industrial zones of Bangalore city viz. i) Graphite India Limited ii) KHB Industrial Area and iii) Peenya Industrial area MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
i) Ambient Air Quality at Graphite India Ltd., Bangalore 4.2. Air quality monitoring contd… i) Ambient Air Quality at Graphite India Ltd., Bangalore RSPM values have exceeded the national limit (60.0 μg/M3) in all measured years whereas SO2. and NOx are within the limit during the period 2006-2013. High levels of RSPM may be due to the construction activities and vehicular movement and road dust. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.2. Air quality monitoring contd… Mixed urban zone: Two ambient air quality monitoring stations have been set up in the mixed zone (Residential, Rural & Other areas) of Bangalore city: i) AMCO batteries Mysore Road. and ii) Yeshwanthpur Police Station. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.2. Air quality monitoring contd… Sensitive zone: One ambient air quality monitoring station is at sensitive zone of Bangalore city .ie at Victoria Hospital. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.3. PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF AIR POLLUTION The State Government may, after consultation with the State Board, by notification in the Official Gazette, declare in such manner as may be prescribed, any area or areas within the State as air pollution control area or areas for the purposes of this Act. The State Government may, after consultation with the State Board, by notification in the Official Gazette, (a) after any air pollution control area whether by way of extension or reduction; (b) declare a new air pollution control area in which may be merged one or more existing air pollution control areas of any part or parts thereof. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.3. Prevention and control of air pollution contd… Some Facts & Figures MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.3. Prevention and control of air pollution contd… Some Facts & Figures Distribution of Pollution-Related Complaints Received at the Ministry of Environment in 2014 MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
SOURCES OF AIR POLLUTION 4.3. Prevention and control of air pollution contd… SOURCES OF AIR POLLUTION Emissions from Power stations Emissions from Industrial Processes Vehicular Emissions Emissions from Burning of Solid Waste Emissions from Natural Sources such as Volcanic Eruptions & Forest Fires MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
Control of air pollution 4.3. Prevention and control of air pollution contd… Control of air pollution Standard for Air Laboratory equipment – ambient air monitoring station - portable gas analyser Smoke control Action plan MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
Smoke Control Action Plan (SCAP) 4.3. Prevention and control of air pollution contd… Smoke Control Action Plan (SCAP) To curb down the number of diesel driven vehicles emitting black smoke: Launched: August 2013 2 Main Components: - Enforcement (road side checks and contraventions of smoky vehicles by Police de L’Environnement) - Sensitization campaign (TV and radio) MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
Smoke Control Action Plan (SCAP) 4.3. Prevention and control of air pollution contd… Smoke Control Action Plan (SCAP) August 2013 to November 2014 -198 vehicles contravened -104 Prohibition Notices (above 70%) - 564 PF 71 have been served MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.4. Air pollution control efforts There are various air pollution control technologies and land-use planning strategies available to reduce air pollution. At its most basic level, land-use planning is likely to involve zoning and transport infrastructure planning. In most developed countries, land-use planning is an important part of social policy, ensuring that land is used efficiently for the benefit of the wider economy and population, as well as to protect the environment. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.4. Air pollution control efforts contd… Efforts to reduce pollution from mobile sources includes primary regulation (many developing countries have permissive regulations), expanding regulation to new sources (such as cruise and transport ships, farm equipment, and small gas-powered equipment such as string trimmers, chainsaws, and snowmobiles), increased fuel efficiency (such as through the use of hybrid vehicles), conversion to cleaner fuels (such as bioethanol, biodiesel, or conversion to electric vehicles). MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.4. Air pollution control efforts contd… Titanium dioxide has been researched for its ability to reduce air pollution. Ultraviolet light will release free electrons from material, thereby creating free radicals, which break up VOCs and NOx gases. One form is super hydrophilic. In 2014, Prof. Tony Ryan and Prof. Simon Armitage of University of Sheffield prepared a 10 meter by 20 meter-sized poster coated with microscopic, pollution-eating nanoparticles of titanium dioxide. Placed on a building, this giant poster can absorb the toxic emission from around 20 cars each day. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
SOX CONTROL GENERAL METHODS FOR CONTROL OF SO2 EMISSIONS 4.4. Air pollution control efforts contd… SOX CONTROL GENERAL METHODS FOR CONTROL OF SO2 EMISSIONS Change to Low Sulfur Fuel Natural Gas Liquefied Natural Gas Low Sulfur Oil Low Sulfur Coal Use Desulfurized Coal and Oil Increase Effective Stack Height Build Tall Stacks Redistribution of Stack Gas Velocity Profile Modification of Plume Buoyancy MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
General Methods for Control of SO2 Emissions contd… 4.4. Air pollution control efforts contd… General Methods for Control of SO2 Emissions contd… Use Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems Use Alternative Energy Sources, such as Hydro-Power or Nuclear-Power MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
Flue Gas Desulfurization 4.4. Air pollution control efforts contd… Flue Gas Desulfurization SO2 scrubbing, or Flue Gas Desulfurization processes can be classified as: Throwaway or Regenerative, depending upon whether the recovered sulfur is discarded or recycled. Wet or Dry, depending upon whether the scrubber is a liquid or a solid. Flue Gas Desulfurization Processes The major flue gas desulfurization ( FGD ), processes are : Limestone Scrubbing Lime Scrubbing Dual Alkali Processes Lime Spray Drying Wellman-Lord Process MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.4. Air pollution control efforts contd… Limestone Scrubbing Limestone slurry is sprayed on the incoming flue gas. The sulfur dioxide gets absorbed The limestone and the sulfur dioxide react as follows : CaCO3 + H2O + 2SO2 ----> Ca+2 + 2HSO3-+ CO2 CaCO3 + 2HSO3-+ Ca+2 ----> 2CaSO3 + CO2 + H2O MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.4. Air pollution control efforts contd… Limestone Scrubbing MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
NOX CONTROL Background on Nitrogen Oxides 4.4. Air pollution control efforts contd… NOX CONTROL Background on Nitrogen Oxides There are seven known oxides of nitrogen : NO NO2 NO3 N2O N2O3 N2O4 N2O5 NO and NO2 are the most common of the seven oxides listed above. NOx released from stationary sources is of two types MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
General Methods For Control Of NOx Emissions 4.4. Air pollution control efforts contd… General Methods For Control Of NOx Emissions NOx control can be achieved by: Fuel Denitrogenation Combustion Modification Modification of operating conditions Tail-end control equipment Selective Catalytic Reduction Selective Non - Catalytic Reduction Electron Beam Radiation Staged Combustion MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
i) Fuel Denitrogenation 4.4. Air pollution control efforts contd… i) Fuel Denitrogenation One approach of fuel denitrogenation is to remove a large part of the nitrogen contained in the fuels. Nitrogen is removed from liquid fuels by mixing the fuels with hydrogen gas, heating the mixture and using a catalyst to cause nitrogen in the fuel and gaseous hydrogen to unite. This produces ammonia and cleaner fuel. This technology can reduce the nitrogen contained in both naturally occurring and synthetic fuels. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
ii) Combustion Modification 4.4. Air pollution control efforts contd… ii) Combustion Modification Combustion control uses one of the following strategies: Reduce peak temperatures of the flame zone. The methods are : increase the rate of flame cooling decrease the adiabatic flame temperature by dilution Reduce residence time in the flame zone. For this we change the shape of the flame zone Reduce Oxygen concentration in the flame one. This can be accomplished by: decreasing the excess air controlled mixing of fuel and air using a fuel rich primary flame zone MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.4. Air pollution control efforts contd… Catalytic Combustion MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
iii) Modification Of Operating Conditions 4.4. Air pollution control efforts contd… iii) Modification Of Operating Conditions The operating conditions can be modified to achieve significant reductions in the rate of thermal NOx production. the various methods are: Low-excess firing Off-stoichiometric combustion ( staged combustion ) Flue gas recirculation Reduced air preheat Reduced firing rates Water Injection MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
CARBON MONOXIDE CONTROL Formation Of Carbon Monoxide 4.4. Air pollution control efforts contd… CARBON MONOXIDE CONTROL Formation Of Carbon Monoxide Due to insufficient oxygen Factors affecting Carbon monoxide formation: Fuel-air ratio Degree of mixing Temperature MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
General Methods For Control of CO Emissions 4.4. Air pollution control efforts contd… General Methods For Control of CO Emissions Control carbon monoxide formation. Note : CO & NOx control strategies are in conflict. Stationary Sources Proper Design Installation Operation Maintenance Process Industries Burn in furnaces or waste heat boilers. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
CARBON DIOXIDE CONTROL Sources of Carbon Dioxide 4.4. Air pollution control efforts contd… CARBON DIOXIDE CONTROL Sources of Carbon Dioxide Human-Related Sources Combustion of fossil fuels: Coal, Oil, and Natural Gas in power plants, automobiles, and industrial facilities Use of petroleum-based products Industrial processes: Iron and steel production, cement, lime, and aluminum manufactures Natural Sources Volcanic eruptions Ocean-atmosphere exchange Plant photosynthesis MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
Sources of CO2 Emissions in the U.S. 4.4. Air pollution control efforts contd… Sources of CO2 Emissions in the U.S. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
CO2 Emissions from Fossil Fuel Combustion by Sector and Fuel Type 4.4. Air pollution control efforts contd… CO2 Emissions from Fossil Fuel Combustion by Sector and Fuel Type MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
General Methods For Control of CO2 Emissions 4.4. Air pollution control efforts contd… General Methods For Control of CO2 Emissions Reducing energy consumption, increasing the efficiency of energy conversion Switching to less carbon intensive fuels Increasing the use of renewable sources Sequestering CO2 through biological, chemical, or physical processes MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.4. Air pollution control efforts contd… Mercury Emissions Mercury exists in trace amounts in Fossil fuels such as Coal, Oil, and Natural Gas Vegetation Waste products Mercury is released to the atmosphere through combustion or natural processes. It creates both human and environmental risks. Fish consumption is the primary pathway for human and wildlife exposure. United states is the first country in the world to regulate mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants (March 15, 2005). MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.4. Air pollution control efforts contd… Types of Sources Source: Seingeur, 2004 and Mason and Sheu, 2002. Worldwide Distribution of Emissions Source: Presentation by J. Pacyna and J. Munthe at mercury workshop in Brussels, March 29-30, 2004 MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
Control Technologies for Mercury Emissions 4.4. Air pollution control efforts contd… Control Technologies for Mercury Emissions Currently installed control devices for SO2, NOX, and particulates, in a power plant, remove some of the mercury before releasing from the stack Activated Carbon Injection: Particles of activated carbon are injected into the exit gas flow, downstream of the boiler. The mercury attaches to the carbon particles and is removed in a particle control device Thief process for the removal of mercury from flue gas: It is a process which extracts partially burned coal from a pulverized coal-fired combustor using a suction pipe, or "thief," and injects the resulting sorbent into the flue gas to capture the mercury. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.5. Zoning in air quality management The objectives of preparing a Zoning Atlas for siting of industries are: To zone and classify the environment in a District; To identify locations for siting of industries; and To identify industries suitable to the identified sites. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.5. Zoning in air quality management contd… The Zoning Atlas considers only the environmental aspects. For siting of industries, both the economic factors, such as availability of raw materials, market for finished product, water supply, electricity, labour availability etc., and the environmental factors are to be considered. Assuming that the industries are the best in identifying the sites best suitable from economic considerations, the Zoning Atlas is deemed to address the environmental considerations, the industries may subsequently evaluate the site suitability from both the considerations. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
District-level Zoning Atlas 4.5. Zoning in air quality management contd… District-level Zoning Atlas The district-level Zoning Atlas for Siting of Industries interrelates the sensitivity of environment with the pollution potential of industries so as to identify sites with minimal environmental impacts/risks. The existing criteria for the preparation of district wise Zoning Atlas for Siting of Industries has been revised. The Zoning Atlas report will be used only for official purposes to develop district-specific industrial siting guidelines. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.5. Zoning in air quality management contd… Report for the following Districts have been received at CPCB and are under finalization. Indore Dhar Raisan Coimbatore Vellore Thiruvallur Kanchipuram Guntur rangareddy MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
A Tool for Decision-making 4.5. Zoning in air quality management contd… A Tool for Decision-making The Zoning Atlas is to be prepared for all the Districts in a State and the industrial siting plans of each District are to be compiled to an abridged Industrial Siting Atlas for the entire State. A National Atlas can then be prepared compiling Siting Atlases of various States. The Zoning Atlas for siting of industries will help in decision-making at various levels including the Government - Central & State, the industry, the regulatory authorities and the general public. The type of decisions that can be taken at various levels are given below: The Government The Industry The Regulatory Authorities: The Public MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.5. Zoning in air quality management contd… i) The Government Notification of industrial areas; Decision on the type of industrial development. If the environmental considerations are out-weighed by the economic consideration for siting industry, the government will know the environmental costs to be borne, risks involved and the long term liabilities; and Restriction of growth of certain industries in specific areas. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.5. Zoning in air quality management contd… ii) The Industry For location of an industry, economic factors, such as availability of raw materials, water supply, electricity, labour etc., and the environmental factors are to be considered. Although industry knows the best suitable location from economic considerations, it may not be aware of its implications from environmental protection angle. From the Zoning Atlas, an industry can find out the suitable locations in various Districts of a State and then work out feasibility or economic viability of commencing its operations in these locations. Accordingly, a decision can be taken on the best suitable location. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
iii) The Regulatory Authorities 4.5. Zoning in air quality management contd… iii) The Regulatory Authorities Decision on the suitability of an industry to a particular site without losing much time in conducting of environmental impact assessment; Notification of site specific standards ; Provision of common pollution treatment and disposal facilities ; Plan well in advance pollution monitoring and control programmes ; and Plan in advance requirements of manpower, monitoring instruments and laboratory facilities, budget etc. in the Regional/Zonal offices of the State Pollution Control Boards for environmental regulations. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.5. Zoning in air quality management contd… iv) The Public The public through the Zoning Atlas, will know the locations of industrial development, the type of industries that are likely to come up and the anticipated pollution in their neighborhood. They can decide on the acceptability of such a development even before an industry actually comes up. This eliminates apprehension against forcing pollution on them. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.5. Zoning in air quality management contd… MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.6. Town planning regulation of new industries The science of ordering the use of land so as to secure maximum practicable degree of economy, convenience and beauty. It is the art of shaping and directing the physical growth of town creating buildings and environments to meet the different needs of people such as social, cultural, economic and recreational etc. The aim of town planning is to ensure rational use of land, well balanced social and economic development, judicious use of resources, environmental protection and improvement of quality of life. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
CONSENT, PERMISSIONS AND LICENSES BY POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD 4.6. Town planning regulation of new industries contd…. CONSENT, PERMISSIONS AND LICENSES BY POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Any industry, operation or process or an extension and addition thereto, which is likely to discharge sewerage or trade any effluent into the environment or likely to emit any air pollution into the atmosphere will have to obtain consent of the State Pollution Control Board under the provisions of Water (P & CP) Act, 1974 and Air (P & CP) Act, 1981. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.6. Town planning regulation of new industries contd…. Similarly any industry / process generating, storing, transporting, disposing or handling hazardous waste as defined in schedule 1 and 2 of Hazardous waste (Handing and Management) Rules, 1989, as amended in 2000 are required to obtain authorization from MPC Board under the said rules. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.6. Town planning regulation of new industries contd…. The MPCB’s No Objection Certificate in the form of combined Consent to establishment under Water Act, Air Act & Hazardous wastes Rules would be required for setting up of an industrial unit. In regard to 39 specified industrial and infrastructure projects, environmental clearance from the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India and State Environment Department are also required as per Environmental Impact Assessment Notification. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
GOVERNMENT TO TAKE MEASURES TO PROTECT AND IMPROVE THE ENVIRONMENT 4.6. Town planning regulation of new industries contd…. GOVERNMENT TO TAKE MEASURES TO PROTECT AND IMPROVE THE ENVIRONMENT This act provides several provisions regarding protection and improvement of quality of the environment and preventing controlling and abating environmental pollution. These measures include co-ordination of actions by the State Governments, officers and other authorities; planning and execution of a nation-wide programme for the prevention, control and abatement of environmental pollution; laying down standards for the quality of environment in its various aspects; laying down standards for emission or discharge of environmental pollutants from various sources. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.6. Town planning regulation of new industries contd…. In view of the stringent provisions under the act , it is important to address different standards for emission, quality or composition of the emission or discharge of environmental pollutants from such sources. The Act also lays down restriction of areas in which any industries, operations or processes or class of industries, operations or processes shall not be carried out or shall be carried out subject to certain safeguards which include Examination of manufacturing processes, materials and substances as are likely to cause environmental pollution; MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.6. Town planning regulation of new industries contd…. Inspection of any premises, plant, equipment, machinery, manufacturing or other processes, materials or substances and Giving, by order, of such directions to such authorities, officers or persons as it may consider necessary to take steps for the prevention, control and abatement of environmental pollution. It is necessary for the project owner of companies to conduct environmental law clearance/ audit of all potential projects with respect to; the standards of quality of air, water or soil for various areas and purposes. the maximum allowable limits of concentration of various environmental pollutants (including noise) for different areas; MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.6. Town planning regulation of new industries contd…. the procedures and safeguards for the handling of hazardous substances; the prohibition and restrictions on the handling of hazardous substances in different areas; the prohibition and restriction on the location of industries and the carrying on process and operations in different areas; the procedures and safeguards for the prevention of accidents which may cause environmental pollution and for providing for remedial measures for such accidents. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.7. Legislation and enforcement 1948 – Factories Act and Amendment in 1987 was the first to express concern for the working environment of the workers. The amendment of 1987 has sharpened its environmental focus and expanded its application to hazardous processes. 1981 – Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act provides for the control and abatement of air pollution. It entrusts the power of enforcing this act to the Central Pollution Control Board. 1982 – Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Rules defines the procedures of the meetings of the Boards and the powers entrusted on them. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.7. Legislation and enforcement contd… 1982 – Atomic Energy Act deals with the radioactive waste. 1987 – Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Amendment Act empowers the central and state pollution boards to meet with grave emergencies of air pollution. 1988 – Motor Vehicles Act states that all hazardous waste is to be properly packaged, labeled and transported. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.7. Legislation and enforcement contd… CENTRAL AND STATE BOARDS FOR THE PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF AIR POLLUTION Central Pollution Control Board State Pollution Control Boards constituted under section 4 of Act 6 of 1974 to be State Boards under this Act Terms and conditions of service of members Constitution of State Boards Central Board to exercise the powers and perform the functions of a State Board in the Union Territories Vacation of seats by members MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
Functions of Central Board 4.7. Legislation and enforcement contd… Functions of Central Board Advise the Central Government on any matter concerning the improvement of the quality of air and the prevention, control or abatement of air pollution. plan and cause to be executed a nation -wide programme for the prevention, control or abatement of air pollution, co-ordinate the activities of the State Boards and resolve disputes among them provide technical assistance and guidance to the State Boards, carry out and sponsor investigations and research relating to problems of air pollution and prevention, control or abatement of air pollution Plan and organise the training of persons organise through mass media a comprehensive programme lay down standards for the quality of air collect, compile and publish technical and statistical data relating to air pollution and the measures devised for its effective prevention, control. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
Functions of State Boards 4.7. Legislation and enforcement contd… Functions of State Boards - to advise the State Government on any matter concerning the prevention, control or abatement of air pollution. - to inspect, at all reasonable times, any control equipment, industrial plant or manufacturing process. - to inspect air pollution control areas at such intervals as it may think necessary, assess the quality of air therein. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF AIR POLLUTION 4.7. Legislation and enforcement contd… PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF AIR POLLUTION Power to declare air pollution control areas. Power to give instructions for ensuring standards for emission from automobiles. Restrictions on use of certain industrial plants. Person carrying on industry, etc. not to allow emission of air pollutants in excess of the standards laid down by State Board. Power of entry and inspection. Power to obtain information. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF AIR POLLUTION 4.7. Legislation and enforcement contd… PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF AIR POLLUTION Power to take samples of air or emission and procedure to be followed in connection therewith. Reports of the result of analysis on samples taken under section 26. State Air Laboratory. Reports of analysts . MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
FUND, ACCOUNTS AND AUDIT 4.7. Legislation and enforcement contd… FUND, ACCOUNTS AND AUDIT Contribution by Central Government Fund of Board Borrowing powers of Board Budget Annual report Accounts and audit MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.7. Legislation and enforcement contd… Enforcing Agencies Enforcing Agency Sphere of Responsibility / Pollution medium Ministry of Health Noise, Sanitary, Quality Control Of Drinking Water And Odour Nuisances Ministry of Agro Industry Pesticide Residue, Soil And Compost Ministry of Fisheries Waters In The Coastal Zone, Other Than Waters In The Port Port Master Waters In The Port Wastewater Management Authority Effluents Water Resources Unit inland waters (rivers, rivulets, dams etc..) MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.7. Legislation and enforcement contd… Enforcing Agencies Enforcing Agency Sphere of Responsibility / Pollution medium Ministry of Local Government Solid wastes and hazardous wastes Local Authority Cleaning of barelands Removal of bulky wastes Cleaning of drains & canals Issue of building and land use permit, trade license etc MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.8. Environmental Impact Assessment and Air quality An environmental impact assessment (EIA) is an assessment of the possible positive or negative impact that a proposed project may have on the environment, considering natural, Social and Economic aspects. According to The International Association of Impact Assessment (IAIA)- The process of identifying, predicting, evaluating and mitigating the biophysical, social, and other relevant effects of development proposals prior to major decisions being taken and commitments made. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.8. Environmental Impact Assessment contd… EIAs began to be used in the 1960s as part of a rational decision making process. It involved a technical evaluation that would lead to objective decision making. EIA was made legislation in the US in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 1969. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.8. Environmental Impact Assessment contd… Environment Impact Assessment is a very beneficial step to check, whether the project is environment friendly or not. Since economic development is result of interaction between natural resources and technology supported by designed for people, so all human activity should be economic, social and environment friendly. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.8. Environmental Impact Assessment contd… EIA Process MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
The main steps in EIAs process:- 4.8. Environmental Impact Assessment contd… The main steps in EIAs process:- • Screening • Scoping • Prediction and Mitigation • Management and Monitoring • Audit MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.8. Environmental Impact Assessment contd… Screening often results in a categorization of the project and from this a decision is made on whether or not a full EIA is to be carried out. Scoping is the process of determining which are the most critical issues to study and will involve community participation to some degree. It is at this early stage that EIA can most strongly influence the outline proposal. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.8. Environmental Impact Assessment contd… Detailed prediction and mitigation studies follow scoping and are carried out in parallel with feasibility studies. The main output report is called an Environmental Impact Statement, and contains a detailed plan for managing and monitoring environmental impacts both during and after implementation. Finally, an audit of the EIA process is carried out some time after implementation. The audit serves a useful feedback and learning function. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
Flow diagram of the EIA process and parallel studies 4.8. Environmental Impact Assessment contd… Flow diagram of the EIA process and parallel studies MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
Data Requirements Project Area of potential impact Type Size Location 4.8. Environmental Impact Assessment contd… Data Requirements Project Type Size Location Area of potential impact Physical resources Biological resources Economic development resources Quality of life Other existing and planned projects MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
Externalities of EIA Positive Externalities: 4.8. Environmental Impact Assessment contd… Externalities of EIA Positive Externalities: 1. New jobs generated, economic growth stimulated. 2. Growth of local business enterprises supported. 3. Development of supporting and complementary industries. 4. Influx of capital and disposable income. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
Negative Externalities: Social impacts: 4.8. Environmental Impact Assessment contd… Negative Externalities: Social impacts: 1. Impacts on health of local population. 2. Increase in crime and deviant behaviour. 3. Additional pressure on the existing physical infrastructure (sewage, water supply etc.). 4. Decline in community cohesion. 5. Changed cultural values. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
Cont’d… Environmental impacts: 1. Depletion of natural resources. 4.8. Environmental Impact Assessment contd… Cont’d… Environmental impacts: 1. Depletion of natural resources. 2. Destruction of habitats. 3. Change in ph, oxygen level, toxicity of water. 4. Increase in toxicity of air. 5. Global warming. 6. Ozone depletion. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
EIA in India The main laws in India: 1. Water Act (1974) 4.8. Environmental Impact Assessment contd… EIA in India The MOEF(Ministry of Environments and forests) is the agency for environmental clearance. If necessary, it may consult a committee of experts with a composition specified in schedule III of notification. The main laws in India: 1. Water Act (1974) 2. Indian Wildlife Protection Act (1972) 3. Air (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act (1981) 4. Environment (Protection) Act (1981) MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.8. Environmental Impact Assessment contd… The responsible body for this is the Central Pollution Control Board. The project proponent is responsible for the preparation of the EIA statement, with the help of external consultant or institution. The amount allocated and spent for preparation of EIA by the project proponents are usually abysmally low compared to the overall project costs (often less than 1% of over all projects). MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
Drawback in India system: 4.8. Environmental Impact Assessment contd… Drawback in India system: The lack of timely availability of reliable and authentic environmental data has been a major bottle neck in achieving the full benefits of EIA. The environment being a multi-disciplinary subject, a multitude of agencies is involved in collection of environmental data. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.8. Environmental Impact Assessment contd… Now, to provide reliable data, Environmental Information Centre (EIC) has been set up to serve as a professionally managed clearing house of environmental information that can be used by MoEF, project proponents, consultants, NGOs and other stakeholders involved in the process of environmental impact assessment in India. EIC stores data in GIS format and makes it available to all environmental impact assessment studies and to EIA stakeholders in a cost effective and timely manner. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
Benefits of conducting EIA 4.8. Environmental Impact Assessment contd… Benefits of conducting EIA Facilitates informed decision making by providing clear, well structured dispassionate analysis of the effect and consequences of proposed projects. Pre-emption or early withdrawal of unsound proposals. Assists in the selection of alternatives, including the selection of the best practicable and most environmentally friendly option. Results in best practice prediction and mitigation of adverse effects of projects. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
4.8. Environmental Impact Assessment contd… Influences both project selection and design by screening out environmentally unsound projects, as well as modifying feasible projects - Mitigation of negative environmental and social impacts. Guides formal approval, including the establishment of terms and conditions of project implementation and follow-up. Mitigation of negative environmental and social impacts. Serves as an adaptive, organizational learning process, in which the lessons of experience are feedback into policy, institutional and project design - Enhancement of positive aspects MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4 2 marks 1. How do any calculate the efficiency of the separating Device? ή= {Quantity of particulates collected from the gas / Quantity present in the gas}. 2. What do you mean by Emission standards? Level for specific group of emitter and require that all member of these groups emit no more than these permitted emission level. 3. Define Particle Re-entrainment. It is associated with particle charging, It is occurs due to inadequate precipitator area ,or inadequate dust removal from hoppe MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4 2 marks contd… 4. Air pollution index An arbitrarily derived mathematical combination of air pollutions witch give a single number trying to describe the ambient air quality. 5. Define Pollution Standard Index (PSI). A numerical scale of 0-500 corresponding to various pollution concentrations. 6. Define Air quality criteria. Scientific information about the levels of air pollution and the durations of exposure which result in adverse effects on health and welfare. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4 7.Air Quality Index (AQI implemented since July 23, 1999 by EPA) AQI is calculated for the 6 criteria pollutants according to the EPA formulas. The highest AQI value is adopted as the daily AQI. Foe example, if the AQI for ozone is 90 and 88 for SO2.The reported AQI is 90. 8. Define Pollution Potential. Holzworth's definition: C/Q = L /UH C: pollution concentration ; Q: emission rate. L: city size along wind dimension (10 km or 100 km). U: wind speed ; H: mixing height (height to which an air parcel can rise) MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4 9.How do you Measure Air Quality There are many ways to measure air pollution, with both simple chemical and physical methods and with more sophisticated electronic techniques. There are four main methods of measuring air pollution. Passive sampling methods Active sampling methods Automatic methods Remote optical / long path-analyzers use spectroscopic techniques, make real-time measurements of the concentrations of a range of pollutants including nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide. 10.Definition of the Term “Instrumented”. Instrumented means to be “a device for recording, measuring, or controlling, especially such a device functioning as part of a control system.” MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4 11. Name some NOx control units Low NOx burners Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) Selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR), NOx scrubbers. Exhaust gas recirculation and Catalytic converter (also for VOC control) 12. Effective Methods to Control Air Pollution Some of the effective methods to Control Air Pollution are as follows: (a) Source Correction Methods (b) Pollution Control equipment (c) Diffusion of pollutant in air (d) Vegetation (e) Zoning. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4 13.What is the Air Quality Index for Health? The Environmental Protection Agency's Air Quality Index for Health (AQIH) is a number from one to 10 that tells you what the air quality currently is in your region and whether or not this might affect the health of you or your child. A reading of 10 means the air quality is very poor and a reading of one to three inclusive means that the air quality is good. The AQIH is calculated every hour. You can see the current readings on the AQIH map. 14.Is indoor air quality (IAQ) a health and safety concern? Indoor air quality has become an important health and safety concern. Common issues associated with IAQ include: Improper or inadequately maintained heating and ventilation systems. Contamination by construction materials, glues, fiberglass, particle boards, paints, chemicals, etc. Increase in number of building occupants and time spent indoors MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4 15. What are the common causes of IAQ problems? IAQ problems result from interactions between building materials and furnishing, activities within the building, climate, and building occupants. IAQ problems may arise from one or more of the following causes: Indoor environment - inadequate temperature, humidity, lighting, excessive noise Indoor air contaminants - chemicals, dusts, moulds or fungi, bacteria, gases, vapours, odours Insufficient outdoor air intake 16. What are indoor air contaminants? Carbon dioxide (CO2), Tobacco smoke, perfume, Body odours – from building occupants Dust, Fibreglass, Asbestos, Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4
MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4 17. Define Zoning Zoning describes the control by authority of the use of land, and of the buildings thereon. Areas of land are divided by appropriate authorities into zones within which various uses are permitted. 18. What is the necessity for air quality? The levels of air quality necessary with an adequate margin of safety, to protect the public health, vegetation and property. MZCET/CIVIL/IV/CE6011/APM/4