S t a t e I n f o r m a t i o n T e c h n o l o g y A g e n c y Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Public Service and Administration, PARLIAMENT 9 June 2006 by Sol Ngubane BUDGET CONSIDERATION FY2006/07
2 AGENDA Financial highlights for FY2005/06 Budget for FY2006/07 Salient Features of the Budget The SITA Operating Model Conclusion
3 Financial Highlights for FY2005/06 Revenue exceeded target of R2.6b Net Profit after Tax exceeded R100m Tighter financial controls Savings on Marketing expenses Savings on depreciation due to deferment of capital items Performance Bonus were severely reduced Debtors collection continued to be a challenge No cases of fruitless or wasteful expenditure reported Customer satisfaction levels improved Savings for government on procurement achieved through SMS
4 Budget for FY2006/07 Business Plan developed based Business Strategy Board Approved Business Plan Budget developed in accordance with Business Plan Budget is highest ever at R2,9b Financials are currently with auditors To be submitted to Auditor General by 7 July 2006
5 Salient Features of the Budget R’ Turnover2,921 Cost of Sales2,233 Gross Profit 688 Other Income 12 Operating Expenses 529 Financing Income 16 Net Profit Before Tax 186 Gross Profit %23.5% Expenses as % of turnover18.1% Operating Margin 5.8% Net margin 6.4%
6 The SITA Operating Model Self-sustaining and use of own profits for growth Schedule 3A classification has implications Have to embark on non revenue generating activities, e.g. R&D Youth Internship Programme aimed at contributing to skills development in ICT sector Financial & Costing Model is complex Walk-in Training Centres are a Ministerial Project funded from profits Women Executive Development Programme with GIBS School of business Executive Development Programme for GM’s
S t a t e I n f o r m a t i o n T e c h n o l o g y A g e n c y Thank You