Relationships between total lightning activity, microphysics, and kinematics during the 24 September 2012 HyMeX MCS system J.-F. Ribaud, O. Bousquet and S. Coquillat Ribaud, J.-F., O. Bousquet, S. Coquillat, H. Al-Sakka, D. Lambert, V. Ducrocq, E. Fontaine, Evaluation and application of hydrometeor classification algorithm outputs inferred from multi-frequency dual-polarimetric radar observations collected during HyMeX. Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc., 2015, Ribaud, J.-F., O. Bousquet, S. Coquillat, Relationships between total lightning activity, microphysics, and kinematics during the 24 September 2012 HyMeX bow echo system. Submitted to Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc., April th HyMeX Workshop Mykonos, September /13
1)Influence of cloud microphysics and dynamics on lightning propagation and initiation? 2)Impact of the topography on lightning activity ? Objectives Reflectivity compositeHyLMA 200 km Studied area 9th HyMeX Workshop Mykonos, September /13
Lightning observation EUCLID-Météorage CG network 12 LMA stations (Ø 100 km) 3D mapping of lightning (Ø 600 km) MHz VHF sources 80 µs resolution (x, y, z, t) by TOA technique 9th HyMeX Workshop Mykonos, September /13 VHF sources density Domain corresponding to the resolution of interpolated radar data
3-dimensional reflectivity and wind composite Météo France operational Doppler radars MUSCAT (Bousquet & Chong,1998) Horizontal reflectivity (Z H ) Wind components (u,v,w) Available every 15 minutes Resolution 1km x 1km x 0.5km 4/13 9th HyMeX Workshop Mykonos, September 2015
Z = 2 km Ribaud et al, dimensional hydrometeor composite Dual polarimetric radars of Météo France Available every 15 minutes Resolution 1km x 1km x 0.5km Fuzzy logic hydrometeor classification 6 microphysical species: Stratiform Rain Wet Snow Dry Snow Ice 9th HyMeX Workshop Mykonos, September 2015 Convective Rain Graupel Hail Ice 5/13 Horizontal reflectivityDifferential reflectivity Differential phaseCorrelation coefficient
9th HyMeX Workshop Mykonos, September /13 Lightning activity during 24 September 2012 Weak activity Strong IC activity 00:3001:3002:3003:30Time UTC
9th HyMeX Workshop Mykonos, September /13 1 st period 2 nd period 3 rd period Z h at 5 kmVHF sources Z h, wind, VHF sourcesMicrophysics, VHF sources
9th HyMeX Workshop Mykonos, September /13 1 st period 2 nd period 3 rd period Z h at 5 kmVHF sources Z h, wind, VHF sourcesMicrophysics, VHF sources
9th HyMeX Workshop Mykonos, September /13 Ice particules transport in the stratiform region Branching of lightning on those charged ice particles VHF signature of this transport Dynamical evidence of ice particles transport in the stratiform region VHF signature of charged particles away from the convective updraft Lessening of the electric charge in the convective updraft Decrease in local electric field (triggering of lightning less favourable) Decrease in lightning activity Z h, wind, VHF sourcesMicrophysics, VHF sources Carey et al., 2005, JGR Ely et al., 2008, JGR 2 nd period VHF sources density 2 nd period
km AMSL 2 nd period 3 rd period 9th HyMeX Workshop Mykonos, September 2015 Strong hail concentration increase during 2 nd and 3 rd periods Large lightning holes at 5 km AMSL during 2 nd period Wet growth of hail could lessen the electrification processes Consistent with Payne et al. (2010) and Emersic et al. (2011) Could contribute to the low lightning activity of the 2 nd period 10/13
9th HyMeX Workshop Mykonos, September /13 Lightning activity within the most active cell Strong IC activity 02h45 – 03h00
9th HyMeX Workshop Mykonos, September /13 Highest updraft speed Ice particles and graupel at high altitude Numerous VHF sources at high altitude 15 minutes after the passage over the hill Evidence for orographic forcing 02h45 – 03h00
Conclusion Analyzing this event by means of lightning observation allows detecting dynamical and microphysical processes inside the cloud The use of modeling could confirm the hypothesis put forward in this case Important part played by dynamics and microphysics inside the storm for controlling the electrical activity Influence of topography on convection and consequently on lightning activity (small hill highly influences the lightning activity within the convective core) Microphysics associated with lightning propagation and initiation are mainly graupel and ice particles (consistent with the non inductive charging mechanism) Lightning most often initiated in graupel regions 13/13 9th HyMeX Workshop Mykonos, September 2015 Evaluate the performance of explicit numerical lightning scheme such as CELLS (Barthe et al. 2012, Pinty et al. 2013) Improve the performance of hydrometeor classification algorithm from dual-polarization radar. Potential of VHF sources location for graupel and ice particles? Work to be done
VHF sources vs microphysics: first quantification VHF source Initial breakdown Grid box 9th HyMeX Workshop Mykonos, September 2015 Lightning propagation takes place mainly in graupel (58%) and ice (33%) regions Lightning is most often initiated in graupel (70%) and a less extent in ice (22%) regions
- Electrification preferentially in convective regions - Discharge favoured by reduced pressure - Better detection of upper negative leaders Z h at 5 km VHF sources 1 st period 2 nd period 3 rd period 9th HyMeX Workshop Mykonos, September 2015 Particles involved in lightning propagation, and more especially in lightning initiation, are the "highest" of all particles in each category
Jean-François RIBAUD Météo-FranceLMA / Microphysique / Dynamique / HyMeX Les radars à double diversité de polarisation Z H et Z V → indication sur la taille des hydrométéores Z DR → indication sur la forme des hydrométéores Φ DP → estimation de l’atténuation K DP → indication sur la densité d’hydrométéores ρ HV → indication sur le type d’hydrométéore Il est donc possible de retrouver le type dominant dans une porte radar 12/32 IntroductionMéthodologieRésultatsConclusionsContexteInstruments Radar
Jean-François RIBAUD Météo-FranceLMA / Microphysique / Dynamique / HyMeX Le typage d’hydrométéores à partir des radars DPol 13/32 IntroductionMéthodologieRésultatsConclusionsContexteInstruments