Resource Appraisal with Remote Sensing techniques A perspective from Land-use/Land-cover by Basudeb Bhatta Computer Aided design Centre Computer Science and Engg. Dept. Jadavpur University kolkata
Introduction There can be almost endless applications of remote sensing for the monitoring and management of land-use and land-cover. Each application itself has specific demands, for sensor (optical, thermal, microwave), resolutions, attribute data, and procedures. With the availability of very high spatial resolution satellites and advanced geospatial analytical techniques in the recent years, the applications have been multiplied.
Study of Land-use/Land-cover Important for: Change monitoring (to balance conservation, conflicting uses, and development pressure) Resource management (sustainable management and protection of land-use/land-cover resources) Planning activities (for future development)
Some Application Areas Natural resource management Wildlife habitat protection Baseline mapping for GIS input Urban expansion/encroachment Routing and logistics planning for seismic/exploration/resource extraction activities Damage delineation (tornadoes, flooding, volcanic, seismic, and fire activities) Legal boundaries for tax and property evaluation Target detection (identification of earth surface features)
Land Cover Identification and Mapping Data requirements Multispectral optical image (preferably post monsoon) Radar image Thermal image
Land Cover Identification and Mapping Multispectral day-time optical image
Land Cover Identification and Mapping Multispectral night-time optical image Night-time image shows urban areas
Land Cover Identification and Mapping Thermal Image DayBefore dawn
Land Cover Identification and Mapping Day-time thermal image of Kolkata
Land Cover Identification and Mapping Thermal Image Band 1, Day Band 1, Night CC, Day CC, Night Thermal Infrared Multi-spectral Scanner Courtesy: NASA
Land Cover Identification and Mapping Radar Image Radar image for flood monitoring
Land Cover Identification and Mapping Radar Image R : C-band HV G : L-band HV B : L-band VV Bright blue-green: forest Reddish-brown: grassland Dark blue: rough lava flow Black: smooth lava flow Courtesy: Microimages Inc. Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, USA
Land-use/Land-cover Change
March 14, 2010 March 13, 2003
Land-use/Land-cover Change
June 17, 1975July 10, 1992August 1, 2000
Land-use/Land-cover Change Courtesy: NASA March 14, 2011 August 8, 2008 Ishinomaki, Japan
Identification of Changes Visual (manual) Identification Automatic Identification Semi-automatic (man-machine interactive) Identification
Visual Comparison
Multi-temporal Colour Composite
Multi-temporal Colour Composite
Automatic Change Detection Image Image Output
Automatic Change Detection Continuous Image
Automatic Change Detection
Semi-automatic Change Detection Classification of multi-temporal image stack
Semi-automatic Change Detection Classifying multi-temporal images individually Converting the classified images in to vector Aggregation of vector polygons Vector overlay
Vector Overlay Land-cover 1990Land-cover
Land-use/Land-cover Change What to identify? Momentarily change or seasonal change or annual change? Seasonal change and annual change are mixed within the same image. Cycle of seasonal change can be rather complex. Spatial resolution is a challenge for long temporal gap.
Momentarily Change
Momentarily Change Imaging
Scene Specific Momentarily Change
Examples – Urban growth/sprawl
Examples – Illegal Construction
Examples – Crop type Landsat-TM and SAR data merged to identify crop type
Examples – Crop Damage Courtesy: CCRS
Examples – Burn Mapping Courtesy: NASA
Examples – Monitoring Afforestation
Examples – Crop Phenology