September, … th What is the weather like today?
Noun Common Countables Uncountables Concrete Collective Material Abstract a chair a group water love a lamp a team snow poverty a cat a family meat politics
Proper Personal Geographical names names Jane Africa the Browns the Urals Rex Tower Bridge
taxi tragedy roof language safe chief comedy knife
radio handkerchief volcano dingo video tomato zero zoo
university thief day sky party key story ski
echo piano buffalo Negro photo kangaroo dodo
potato stereo cockatoo mosquito disco studio kilo
hero a man a swine an ox a child a tooth a sheep
a woman a deer a foot a goose a mouse a fish
Find six mistakes in Robin’s spelling test. Photoes, dodoes, zeroes, tomatoes, Negroes, potatos, kiloes, buffaloes, videos, pianoes, mosquitoes, stereoes, radios, studios, echos, heroes.
Corrections Photoes Photos Potatos Potatoes Kiloes Kilos Pianoes Pianos Stereoes Stereos Echos Echoes
Fruit / Fruits
To get to get on to get off to get along а) сесть на велосипед, поезд, автобус и т.д. b) делать успехи, двигаться вперед сойти с велосипеда, поезда, автобуса и т.д. уживаться, ладить с кем-то
To get to get out to get up to get away выйти наружу подниматься (с постели) удрать, исчезнуть, сбежать
To get to get over to get down to work / business справиться с чем-то, преодолеть приняться за работу / за дело
The Future Perfect Tense. + shall / will + have + V 3 - shan’t / won’t + have + V 3 ? Shall / Will +… + have + V 3?
Articles with the nouns school, college, hospital, bed...
TURN outintoaroundupover upside down inside out on/offUp/down
Оказаться Повернуться Превратиться Появиться Перевернуться Перевернуть вверх тормашками Вывернуть наизнанку Включить громче/тише Включить/выключить
Social English
It takes many kinds to make the world.
Objects Colour Size Feel Temperature Weight Shape
Attractive Slim Wise Free Bouncy Curious Shy Thin Tidy Cheerful
Danny’s Story
The Present Perfect Continuous Tense Have/has + been + Ving
F.ex. Jane: to watch an interesting film on TV. Jane has been watching an interesting film on TV.
Colin: to play on the computer. Sara: to watch a video. John: to read an interesting novel. Mary: To paint her friend’s portrait. Delly: to work in the garden
The Future Perfect Continuous Tense shall / will have been + V ing
The Pleasure of Reading
Articles a/an, the, zero
Tiny To pick up A cosy Watchful To search To pop (in) Fascination To spoil
To introduce smb to smb An impression Pop-eyed Fascinating A container A chatterbox Contents A spell
Household To contain A search To introduce oneself To impress To devour Cosy To pick
To transport To manage An adventure An edition To make an impression on Impressive
make do make do make do a mistake an effort a translation housework well note a list a fire morning exercises money one’ s best one’s teeth
make do make do make do dinner decision the cooking a subject with something enemies a fortune a bed the sights of a city a choice smb a favour smb good