Massachusetts Bay Colony: A “City Upon A Hill” The Pilgrims Arrive Puritans and the Development of the Massachusetts Bay Colony
The Pilgrims Pilgrims are from England- they have to follow the Church of England. Pilgrims want to separate from the Church of England.- don’t agree with how they worship The Pilgrims (separatists) are escaping religious persecution under King James I. Can be thrown in Jail for their ideas, threatened by neighbors, and beat up!
Religious Freedom First they went to Netherlands- they had religious freedom. Stayed for a short time- kids were starting to grow up Dutch, not English! Felt like outsiders- different languages, customs Received a charter to settle Virginia from London Merchants
They decide to take the money and run… September 16, 1620 Mayflower set sail from Plymouth, England. 102 passengers- ½ were pilgrims, ½ were colonist hired by London company What were the colonist hired by the London Company looking for?
Mayflower-What dangers might the Pilgrims have faced on the voyage?
What did people do on the Mayflower? A day's activities might be as follows: Wake up, put away the bedding Prayers Breakfast In good weather, activities like reading, games, exercise on deck Cooking by the women in good weather Dinner (noon meal) Activities similar to the morning Supper Sleep
What did people eat on the Mayflower? The foods they ate on board-salted meat and fish, peas, beans, beer, and hard cheese.
A little off course…
Lannnnnnnnnnd ho! seven weeks of storms blows them off course. Because they do not land in Virginia they need to create a new government-lost money and support from London They land in new England near Cape Cod They land in November- what is it like in November?? Hardships? Who else is here? Mayflower deconstructed
Mayflower Compact The Mayflower Compact, 1620, was the 1st example of self-rule in colonies. It was written for the good of all community members and supported idea of majority rule. BOLD IDEA for the time- mostly Kings and Queens before this Pros and cons of Self Government?
On the boat before going ashore
How creative. They land and name their colony Plymouth after their hometown in England This was built on the shores of the Massachusetts Bay Had a good harbor with fresh water but they still had trouble farming Even though they had the Mayflower compact, William Bradford was the first Governor of Plymouth
Early Troubles Pilgrims go through ‘Starving Time”- arrive in November and live on a beach- hard to farm When spring comes only ½ the colonist have survived What will save them? WHY were they successful?
NATIVE AMERICANS Samoset of the Wampanoag Tribe made initial peace with the Pilgrims Created a treaty which led to 50 years of peace between pilgrims and Indians Squanto helped the Indians to learn how to farm, fish, hunt and build.
Thanksgiving, 1621
Puritans Puritans are harassed by King Charles and the Church and flee England in 1630 They wanted to “purify” the Church of it’s Catholic practices They think of themselves as “God’s Chosen People” Anything that was worth knowing was in the Bible. If it was not in the Bible they did not do it, such as celebrations like Christmas and Easter
Massachusetts Bay Colony 1629- formed Massachusetts Bay Company and receives charter from King of England Sent 1,000 colonist on 17 ships Each family had food for 18 months These were the most prepared colonist…EVER. They did not have a starving time
Massachusetts Bay Colony Settled on Massachusetts bay by the Charles River Called Settlement Boston Once they landed they got right to work!
“City Upon a Hill” Sermon by John Winthrop that inspired Puritan colonists with a sense of “holy duty” Puritans would be a model of a perfect community for all the world to see
Political Development of Massachusetts Bay Colony The Puritans hold town meetings where men meet to make laws and discussed community issues Only male church members could vote on issues and elect their representatives Those that can vote in local government are called “freemen”
With Indians help they learn agricultural techniques and learn how to farm corn, beans, pumpkins, and potatoes Puritans are involved in trade with Indians for items like: blankets, iron pots, metal tipped arrows and guns Puritans will concentrate on raising livestock which need open fields to graze and desire Indian land
Social Development of Massachusetts Bay Colony You were required to attend church services “New England Way” was a belief that you should work hard, be honest and be a good person Education is mandatory, every Puritan is expected to be able to read the bible
Economical Development of Massachusetts Bay Colony The regions is not flat like in the Chesapeake Bay region (no land to plant crops) Puritans adapt to region and are involved in fishing, fur trading, lumbering and farming They will also become the largest ship building region of the colonies due the forest areas surrounding them Puritans will also be heavily involved in trade with the Caribbean and Europe
Between 1630 and 1643 more than 20,000 puritans came to New England! Some came for religious freedom some came because it was so hard to make a living in England By 1640 there were many towns By 1691 pilgrims became part of Massachusetts colony