After Lisbon: Challenges for the Sport Education and Training Sector Dr. Karen Petry, German Sport University Cologne Sport & EU 5 th Annual Conference: The challenges of sport governance Ghent, 1 st of July 2010
White Paper on Sport The White Paper on Sport states, that through « its role in formal and non-formal education, sport reinforces Europe´s human capital. The values conveyed through sport help develop knowledge, motivation, skills and readiness for personal effort »
Future challenges of the education sector 1.The developments and progressions of the Bologna Process and the establishment of a basic concept to facilitate the convergence of European higher education systems as well as the further promotion of student mobility in Europe 2.The objective formulated by the European Council in Lisbon in 2001, that the EU wants to become a competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy, identified lifelong learning as the essential element of European education policy
The role of Sport Education in the new EU competencies for the sport sector The White Paper on Sport mainly focuses on three areas in its chapter 2.3 „Enhancing the role of sport in education an training“: 1.Physical activity in schools 2.Professional sports („dual careers“) 3.Vocational education and Training
The European Sport Workforce Development Alliance Mission: To provide a mechanism to co-ordinate the development of the European sport´s workforce Composition of the Alliance consists of key European organisations involved in the Sport and Active Leisure sector:
A more coherent approach has to focus on: Clear vision for the sector in terms of the overall definition of the sector; sub-sectoral definitions; employment and volunteer roles Establishment of an agreed occupational map and nomenclature for the sport and physical activity sector Alignment of training and education with the labour market and the EQF Coherent response to EU initiatives and consultation processes
Provision of technical advice and support to the EU, member nations and other key agencies on matters relating to sport education, training and employment Creating awareness of the role of sport education, training and employment at European and national levels (the latter through national agencies and European networks) Supporting and contributing to the social dialogue within the EU A more coherent approach has to focus on:
AEHESIS A ligning a E uropean H igher E ducation S tructure i n Sport S cience 86 partners from 29 countries Main activities of the project: – Mapping sport education programmes – Evaluate the impact of the Bologna Declaration on Higher Education in the sport sector – Development of contents and frameworks of sport-related study programmes – Interactivity between education and training providers and employers within curricula design – Development and implementation of an online-based communication and information platform for European Sport Education (SOPHELIA ) In 2008 AEHESIS was nominated an „ERASMUS Success Story“
European Coaching Council (ECC) Sub-committee of ENSSEE and continental group of the International Council for Coach Education (ICCE) Rio Maior Convention – Agreement at European and Global levels on key reference points for the development of coaching competence and qualifications up to 2011 – First time that a multinational and multi-agency agreement has been formalized in this way in relation to coaching competence and qualifications European Framework for the Recognition of Coaching Competence and Qualifications (EFRCCQ) – Aligned with the European Qualification Framework (EQF) – Employed as reference document within the different coach education systems throughout the European Union
Suggestions for the new EU competencies in the sport sector Stress the importance of Higher Education in sport and incorporate it to the future priorities Promote the implementation of the EQF in the sport sector and to further discuss the development of National Qualification Frameworks (NQF) as a tool to reform the sport related edcuation and training systems Enhance the importance of coach education and the role of coaches as agents for the values and social skills that are conveyed through sport Promote common principles of Quality Assurance in sport education and training
Thank you for your attention! Contact: Dr. Karen Petry German Sport University Cologne European Network of Sport Science, Education and Employment