Pacific Area Standards Congress Working Group 3 Report Capacity Building and Trade Facilitation May 2016
Group 3 Capacity Building & Trade Facilitation Chair: SA Co-Chair: SPRING SG BIS, BSN, DSM, JISC, KATS, INDECOPI & SAC PASC WG 3 Members
Desired Outcomes Greater overall effectiveness of PASC’s capacity building and training initiatives to enable PASC members to be engaged in international standards development activities, with active participation in initiatives organised by regional bodies such as ISO & IEC regional offices; Enhanced communication and partnerships in trade facilitation with APEC’s Sub Committee on Standards and Conformance (APEC SCSC), Overseas Development Assistance, Multilateral Development Bank donors and other key stakeholders.
Key initiatives Identifying and prioritising capacity building projects, training and development programs through the development of a rolling work plan; Training on developing NWIPs at ISO/IEC and managing Technical Committees; Twinning and mentoring partnerships to enhance participation in ISO activities; Strengthening human resource capacity through National Standards Body (NSB) staff training programs; internships, exchange of staff and experts, including taking up sponsorships or training opportunities by ISO, IEC or other partners; Providing technical assistance to meet WTO/Regional Trade Agreement obligations as well as implementation of the Code of Good Practice for Standardization and Good Regulatory Practice.
Proposed Priority Activities APEC project on the Role of Standards and Innovation for Driving APEC’s Silver Economy led by Australia with co-sponsorship from China Japan Singapore, Mexico, Peru and Viet Nam; APEC SMEWG Harmonisation of Standards Project (Phase Two) in the second half of A workshop summary and recommendations report will be presented at the APEC SMEWG meeting in Vietnam in April 2016; APEC SCSC 2 – 11 th Conference on Standards and Conformance; IEC/ISO/ITU World Smart City Forum on 13 July in Singapore – use of internationals standards as solutions to address pain points that hinder smart city development; ISO Marketing and Communication Workshop on July in Singapore; Role for PASC in implementation of regional trade agreements.
Moving Forward Proposed priority activities will be refined in line with PASC priorities; WG 3 will work closely with WG 2 (Partnerships & Stakeholder Engagement) to identify the key initiatives. Opportunity to partner with ISO and IEC regionally
Thank you Any questions?